摘要AbstractIntroduction0.1 Significance of the Research into Xu as a Translator0.2 Literature Review on Xu’s Translation0.3 Research Questions and Objectives0.4 Method and Organization of the ThesisChapter 1 Xu Zhimo’s Speech Translation and Their Metafunctions1.1 Backgrounds of Xu’s Speech Translation and Their Influences in Light of Metafunctions1.2 Xu’s Speech Translation Theory1.2.1 Attitude towards Speech Translation1.2.2 Methods of Speech Translation1.2.3 Vernacular Style of Speech TranslationChapter 2 Realization of Ideational Function in Xu’s Speech Translation2.1 Ideational Function2.2 The Analysis of Transitivity in Xu’s Speech Translation2.2.1 The Distribution of Process Types in Xu’s Speech Translation2.2.2 Process Changes in Xu’s Speech TranslationChapter 3 Realization of Interpersonal Function in Xu’s Speech Translation3.1 Interpersonal Function3.2 The Analysis of Mood System in Xu’s Speech Translation3.2.1 Mood Types in Xu’s Speech Translation3.2.2 The Analysis of Mood and Modality in Xu’s Speech TranslationChapter 4 Realization of Textual Function in Xu’s Speech Translation4.1 Textual Function4.2 The Analysis of Thematic Structure in Xu’s Speech Translation4.2.1 The Distribution of Theme Types in Xu’s Speech Translation4.2.2 The Analysis of Textual and Interpersonal Themes in Xu’s Speech Translation4.2.3 The Analysis of Topical Themes in Xu’s Speech TranslationConclusionNotesReferencesAcknowledgementsAppendix A: Speeches and Xu Zhimo’s TranslationsInformative Chinese AbstractRésuméand Publications since Entering the Program
标签:元功能论文; 演说词翻译论文; 徐志摩论文;