中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Theoretical basis1.1.1 Affective variables1.1.2 Cognitive ability1.1.3 Educational conventions1.1.4 Cultural thinking patterns1.1.5 Feedback preferences1.2 Literature review1.3 Limitations of the previous studies1.4 Purpose of the studyChapter 2 An Experimental Study2.1 Research design2.1.1 Near-natural situation2.1.2 Random sample2.1.3 Subject training2.1.4 The criteria of IELTS2.2 Participants selection2.3 Sources of data2.3.1 Questionnaire2.3.2 Observation2.3.3 Semi-structured interviews2.3.4 Written products2.4 Procedures2.4.1 Selecting subjects2.4.2 Presentation and explanation2.4.3 Conducting writing sessions2.4.4 A semi-structured interview2.4.5 Collecting questionnaires and products2.5 Modes of dataChapter 3 Analysis and Discussion3.1 Data and analysis3.1.1 A preliminary analysis of common errors3.1.2 Date exposure of non-linguistic factors3.2 Results and discussion3.2.1 Affective factors3.2.2 Cognitive factors3.2.3 Educational factors3.2.4 Cultural factors3.2.5 Assessment factorsChapter 4 Approaches to English Writing4.1 Affective approach4.1.1 Activating high motivation4.1.2 Reducing students' anxiety4.1.3 Taking positive attitude4.2 Cognitive approach4.2.1 Focusing on the process approach4.2.2 Building student's background knowledge4.2.3 Relating reading to writing4.3 Educational approach4.3.1 Designing a systematically teaching program4.3.2 Setting up student-centred classroom activities4.4 Culture approach4.4.1 Adopting the contrastive analysis4.4.2 Exposing to the target culture4.5 Feedback approach4.5.1 Introducing techniques for error correction4.5.2 Making encouraging commentsChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary5.2 Significance5.3 Limitations5.4 SuggestionsReferencesAppendix Ⅰ QuestionnaireAppendix Ⅱ Semi-structured InterviewsAppendix Ⅲ Writing ExercisesAcknowledgements
标签:大学英语写作论文; 非语言因素论文; 教学对策论文;