AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要IntroductionChapter Ⅰ TQA Theories and Models in Retrospect: Review of Literature1.1 Translation, Translation Studies and Translation Criticism1.1.1 Translation1.1.2 Translation Studies1.1.3 Translation Criticism1.2 TQA Approaches and Models1.2.1 Mentalist Views1.2.2 Response-based Approaches1.2.3 Text and Discourse Based ApproachesChapter Ⅱ J. House and the TQA Model2.1 A Brief Introduction to J. House2.2 J. House's Model for TQA2.2.1 The Original Model2.2.2 The Revised Model2.2.3 Overt and Covert Translation2.2.4 Cultural Filter2.2.5 Operation of the ModelChapter Ⅲ Application of J. House's Model in E-C Translations of Reference NewsText 1 Recession to Leave Permanent Scars, by Chris Giles (original English, translated Chinese) cf. Appendix IAnalysis of the OriginalStatement of FunctionComparison of the Original and Translation and Statement of Quality○vert ErrorsStatement of QualityText 2 Contemplating China: Ignorance Breeds Fear, by Eric C. Anderson (original English,translated Chinese) cf. Appendix BAnalysis of the OriginalStatement of FunctionComparison of the Original and Translation and Statement of Quality○vert ErrorsStatement of QualityText 3 In Romania, Turmoil Fuels Nostalgia for Communism, by George Jahn (origina English, translated Chinese) cf. Appendix CAnalysis of the OriginalStatement of FunctionComparison of the Original and Translation and Statement of Quality○vert ErrorsStatement of QualityText 4 China’s Energy Industry Pushes Into Developed Markets, by.... Chris V. Nich Chris V. Nich (original English, translated Chinese) cf. Appendix DAnalysis of the OriginalStatement of FunctionComparison of the Original and Translation and Statement of Quality○vert ErrorsStatement of QualityConclusionBibliographyAppendices: Texts for In-depth Analysis1.Recession to leave permanent scars, by Chris Giles, Published: November 24 20092.Contemplating China: Ignorance Breeds Fear, by Eric C. Anderson, Published 26, 2010 12:59 PM3.In Romania, turmoil fuels nostalgia for communism, by George Jahn, Associated Press4.China's Energy Industry Pushes Into Developed Markets, by Chris V. Nicholson, March 14, 2011, 7:38 pm5.China seen as biggest threat to stability, by Ben Hall in Paris and Geoff Dyer, April 15,20086.U.S.C ites Big Gains Against Al-Qaeda, by Joby Warrick, May 30, 20087.China's thirst for copper could hold key to Afghanistan's future, by Jonathan S. Landay,March 8, 20098.China's crumbling buildings: not built to last, by Peter Foster, November 16, 2010附件
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标签:朱利安豪斯论文; 翻译质量评估模式论文; 模型应用论文;