AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Introduction1. The Aim of the Study2. The Study of Idiom Translation from Cultural Perspective3. Structure of the ThesisChapter 1 Definition and Features of Idioms1.1 Definition of Idiom1.2 Linguistic and Cultural Features of Idioms1.2.1 Linguistic Features of Idioms1.2.1.1 Structural Stability1.2.1.2 Semantic Unity1.2.1.3 Grammatical Irregularity1.2.2 Cultural Features of Idioms1.2.2.1 Cultural Similarities of English and Chinese Idioms1.2.2.2 Cultural Differences of English and Chinese IdiomsChapter 2 Difficulties in Translation with Cultural Involvement2.1 Culture and Translation2.2 Difficulties in Translating across Culture2.2.1 Limited Equivalence in Translation2.2.1.1 Full Equivalence2.2.1.2 Partial Equivalence2.2.1.3 Non-Equivalence2.2.2 Translatability or UntranslatabilityChapter 3 Strategies for Cultural Translation: Domestication and Foreignization3.1 The Definition of Domestication and Foreignization3.2 Domestication and Its Theoretical Basis3.3 Foreignization and Its Theoretical Basis3.4 Disputes on Domestication and Foreignization3.4.1 Disputes Abroad3.4.2 Disputes at Home3.5 SummaryChapter 4 Factors Influencing a Translator’s Selection of Translation Strategies4.1 The Purpose of Translation 4.2 The Intention of the Translator4.3 The Type of the Source Text4.4 Reader’s AcceptanceChapter 5 Domestication and Foreignization in Idiom Translation5.1 Foreignization Tendency in Idiom Translation5.1.1 The Trend of Globalization5.1.2 Enrichment of Target Language and Target Culture5.1.3 Faithfulness of Translation5.1.4 Reader’s Expectation5.2 Classification of Idioms from a Cultural Perspective5.3 Application of Foreignization5.3.1 Foreignizing to Retain the SL Cultural Implicature5.3.2 Foreignizing to Retain the SL Preference of Expression5.3.3 Foreignizing to Retain the SL Religious Belief5.3.4 Foreignizing to Retain the SL Emotional Color5.3.5 Foreignizing to Retain the SL Conventions, Values and Aesthetic Perspective5.4 Application of Domestication5.5 Combination of Domestication and Foreignization5.6 SummaryConclusionBibliography
标签:习语论文; 翻译论文; 文化策略论文; 归化论文; 异化论文; 运用论文;