AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Introduction0.1 The Significance of C-E Translation of Enterprise Publicity Materials0.2 The Problems of EPM Translation in China0.3 The Purpose of the Study0.4 The Structure of the ThesisChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 The Research Findings Concerned1.2 Skopos Theory-----An Effective Tool for Pragmatic Translation1.2.1 Reiss’Theory1.2.2 Vermeer’s Theory1.2.3 Justa Holz-M?ntt?ri and the Theory of “Translational Action”1.2.4 Christiane Nord’s Main Contribution Christiane Nord combines Reiss and Vermeer’s theories toget1.3 The Inspirations Procured From the Skopos TheoryChapter 2 Text Analysis of Enterprise Publicity Materials2.1 The Significance of the Text Analysis2.2 The General Functions of EPMs2.2.1 The Informative Function2.2.2 The Appellative Function2.3 The Differences between the Chinese and English EPMs2.3.1 The Differences in Values2.3.2 The Differences in Language Styles2.3.3 The Differences in Textual Structures2.4 SummaryChapter 3 The Application of Skopos Theory to C-E Translation of Enterprise Publicity Materials3.1 The Principles of the C-E Translation of EPMs3.1.1 Mastering the Ideas of the Source Texts3.1.2 Making Them Acceptable to the Recipient3.2 The Approaches Based on the Principles3.2.1 Essentialization3.2.2 Generalization3.2.3 Simplification3.2.4 Reconstruction3.2.5 EqualizationConclusionBibliography发表论文和科研情况说明
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