论文题目: 多角度浅析译者在文学翻译中主体地位的必然性
论文类型: 硕士论文
论文专业: 英语语言文学
作者: 王萌
导师: 柴明颎
关键词: 译者,主体性,接受美学,语言学,文化,主观,客观
文献来源: 上海外国语大学
发表年度: 2005
论文摘要: 本文从接受美学、语言学和文化三个角度着手,运用相关理论从各自的主观及客观两个方面阐述了文学翻译中译者主体地位的必然性;旨在澄清该领域传统的有争议性观点,抛砖引玉进一步探讨该论点的指导意义。
1 Introduction
1.1 Definitions of translation
1.2 Criteria of translation
1.3 The invisibility of translators
2 The new turn in translation studies
3 Prescriptions of relevant concepts
3.1 Related areas for translation studies
3.2 Literary translation
4 Analysis from various perspectives
4.1 From the perspective of reception aesthetics
4.1.1 Objectively: the uncertainty of a literary text
4.1.2 Subjectively: aesthetic levels of translators
4.2 From the perspective of linguistics
4.2.1 Objectively: difference between languages
4.2.2 Subjectively: the thinking mode of textual deconstruction and reconstruction
4.3 From the cultural perspective
4.3.1 Objectively: the diversity of culture
4.3.2 Subjectively: the interpretation and transmission of culture
4.4 The integration of these three perspectives
5 The directive significance for translation practice
5.1 Aesthetically: spiritual similarity
5.2 Linguistically: adjustment
5.2.1 Scientificalness & humaneness
5.2.2 Flexibility & Accuracy
5.2.3 Content and form
5.3 Culturally: domestication & foreignization
5.4 To translate is to “improve
6 Conclusion
发布时间: 2006-12-30
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