功能主义将翻译看作是有目的的跨文化交际活动,翻译目的决定翻译策略。翻译的过程受到各种因素的综合制约,译文是否“充分”地实现了翻译的目的才是评判译文的标准。这正是翻译目的论的基本思想。本文以诺德的“目的论”为主要理论导向,以杨宪益、戴乃迭伉俪和莱尔的《呐喊》两个英译本(杨戴将《呐喊》书名译为Call to Arms;莱尔将其译为Diary of a Madman and Other Stories.)为案例,从跨文化研究的角度对鲁迅小说选集之一《呐喊》中的文化专有项翻译进行研究。文章作者主要从生态文化、语言文化、宗教文化、物质文化、以及社会文化五个方面对这些文化专有项进行了详细的对比和分析,探讨两译本所使用的翻译方法,指出只要目的一致,就会达到殊途同归的效果,最后实现翻译的终极目的即跨文化交际。除了引言、结论,论文外分为三部分:第一部分对翻译目的论进行了总体回顾,包括其理论基础,发展阶段,重要的原则和概念。第二部分介绍了文化专有项并对影响其翻译的因素进行了分析。第三部分以目的论为基础对两译本进行比较研究,探讨翻译目的对翻译策略的影响,最后对译本进行总体评价。总之,本文试图通过文化专有项翻译实例分析来探讨译本及译者的翻译策略,以期重新认识目的论在文学翻译中的指导作用,从而为文化翻译提供可行性策略,提供新的视角,以达到促进中国文化对外传输的目的。
摘要AbstractIntroduction0.1 The Motivation of the Thesis0.2 The Research Methodology0.3 The Structure of the Thesis0.4 The Significance of the ResearchChapter One Literature Review of Skopos Theory1.1 The Rise and Development of Skopos Theory1.1.1 Reiss and Her Text Typology1.1.2 Justa Holz-Mānttāri and Theory of Translational Action1.1.3 Hans J.Vermeer and Skopostheorie1.1.4 Nord and Her Function plus Loyalty1.2 Basic Concept and Rules of Skopos Theory1.2.1 The Concept of Skopos1.2.2 Three Rules1.2.3 Two Translation Types of Skopos TheorySummaryChapter Two Culture-specific Items and the Factors Influencing Their Translation2.1 The Understanding of Culture-specific Items2.1.1 The Concept of Culture-specific Items2.1.2 The Classification of Culture-specific Items2.2 Factors Influencing Translation Strategy of CSIs2.2.1 The Purpose of Translation2.2.2 The Role of Translator2.2.3 Text Types2.2.4 Target ReceiversSummaryChapter Three Culture-specific Items in Nahan and Their English Versions3.1 Introduction to Lu Xun and His Short Stories Collection: Nahan3.2 Brief Introduction to the Translators, Their Skopos in Translation Practice, and the Two Versions3.3 Interpretation of Culture-specific Items3.3.1 Translation of Culture-specific Items Relating to Ecology3.3.2 Translation of the Linguistic Culture-specific Items3.3.3 Translation of Culture-specific Items Relating to Religion3.3.4 Translation of Culture-specific Items Relating to Material Culture3.3.5 Translation of Culture-specific Items Relating to Social CultureSummaryConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsAppendix (攻读学位期间发表论文目录)
标签:目的论论文; 工具型翻译论文; 文献型翻译论文; 呐喊论文; 文化专有项解读论文;