中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisChapter One Theoretical Review1.1 Types of Language Transfer1.1.1 Positive Transfer1.1.2 Negative Transfer1.2 Language Transfer Theories1.2.1 Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis1.2.2 Creative Construction Hypothesis1.2.3 Universal Grammar1.2.4 Language Transfer in Relation to Other Disciplines1.2.5 SummaryChapter Two Native Language Acquisition and Second Language Acquisition2.1 Acquisition and Learning2.2 Differences Between NLA and SLA2.2.1 At the Initial Stage2.2.2 In the Process of Acquisition2.2.3 Difference in Cognitive Development2.3 Relation Between NLA and SLAChapter Three Analysis of NLT3.1 Phonological Transfer3.2 Lexical Transfer3.2.1 Morphological Markedness3.2.2 Semantic Domain3.2.3 Collocation3.3 Syntactic Transfer3.4 Cultural TransferChapter Four Empirical Study4.1 Introduction4.2 Subjects4.3 Samples Collections4.3.1 Questionnaire4.3.2 Interviews4.4 Data Analysis4.4.1 Data collected from the questionnaire4.4.2 Data collected from the interviews4.5 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Pedagogical Implications5.1.1 How to teach5.1.2 What to teach5.2 Limitations of Present Study and Suggestions for Further Study5.3 Suggestions for Further StudyBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:母语迁移论文; 正迁移论文; 负迁移论文; 教学策略论文;