Abstract(Chinese)AbstractSynopsis(Chinese)SynopsisChapter One Introduction1.1 A Brief Introduction to the Militant Language in Mao's Works1.1.1 The Social and Cultural Background of the Militant Langauge in Mao's Works1.1.2 The Formation and Development of the Militant Language in Mao's Works1.1.3 The Great Impact of the Militant language in Mao's Works on China and of its Translated Versions on the World1.1.4 The Significance of Translating the Militant Language in Mao's Works into English1.2 A Brief Introduction to the Militant Language in Mao's Works1.3 Theoretical Basis of the Research into the Militant Language in Mao's Works and its Translated Versions1.3.1 Functional Equivalence1.3.2 Functional Approaches and Skopostheorie1.3.3 Domestication and Alienation1.4 Purpose,Significance and Approaches of the Research1.4.1 Purpose and Significance of the Research1.4.2 Approaches of the ResearchChapter Two The Distinctive Linguistic Features of the Translation of the Militant Language in Mao's Works2.1 The Scope of Militant Language2.2 The Language Functions of the Translation of the Militant Language in Mao's Works2.2.1 Directive2.2.2 Informative2.2.3 Expressive2.2.4 Appellative2.3 The Features of the Translation of the Militant Language in Mao's Works2.3.1 Lexical Features2.3.2 Grammatical Features2.3.3 Stylistic Features2.3.4 Cultural FeaturesChapter Three The Militant Language in Mao's Works and its English Translation3.1 Functional Equivalence and the Translation of the Militant Language in Mao's Works3.2 Contrastive Study for the Translation of the Militant Language in Mao's Works and Translation Strategies3.2.1 Contrastive Study at the Lexical Level and Translation Strategies3.2.2 Contrastive Study at the Syntactical Level and Translation Strategies3.2.3 Contrastive Study at the Stylistic Level and Translation Strategies3.2.4 Contrastive Study at Cultural Level and Translation StrategiesChapter Four Techniques Employed in the Translation of the Militant Language in Mao's Works4.1 Addition4.2 Annotation4.3 Omission4.4 Reduction and Adjustment4.5 Creative TranslationChapter Five ConclusionReferences攻读学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果Acknowledgement个人简历
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标签:毛泽东著作论文; 战斗性语言论文; 战斗性语言英译论文; 功能目的论论文; 功能对等论论文; 翻译策略论文; 翻译技巧论文;