论文题目: 广告英语语言说服策略研究
论文类型: 硕士论文
论文专业: 英语语言文学
作者: 孙楠
导师: 孙启耀
关键词: 广告语言,策略,理性说服,感性说服
文献来源: 哈尔滨工程大学
发表年度: 2005
论文摘要: 广告语言是语言劝说功能的一种运用形式。由于如今商品千差万别,消费者的心理也复杂多变,这都使广告劝说从整体上应有策略艺术。本论文在研究广告体英语的语言特点和作用方式基础上,把理性说服策略,感性说服策略以及情理结合策略作为分析对象。旨在研究配合三种说服策略的广告英语言语技法艺术,进而揭示广告英语的诉求功能,即语言劝说功能在感性和理性诉求广告中的不同体现。 本文主要探讨了广告英语的三种说服策略。首先,概述了之前学者对于广告英语的研究,并且简要介绍了两种基本的英语广告诉求策略即理性诉求策略和感性诉求策略。其次,分析了配合这两种基本说服策略的英语语言技法、篇章艺术以及美学风格。最后,分析了情理结合策略中附加式与融合式的言语技法艺术。 通过以上的研究,本文解释了语言在不同策略的广告中劝说功能的不同体现,即理性说服广告是以理服人,而感性说服广告则是以情动人。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Literature Review: Previous Studies on Advertising Language
1.2 Two Basic Advertising Appealing Strategies
1.3 The Purpose of This Thesis
1.4 Data Collection
Chapter 2 Rational Persuasion Strategy
2.1 Advertising Language Techniques of Rational Persuasion
2.1.1 Approach A: Using Digitized Language
2.1.2 Approach B: Using Scientific and Technical Terms
2.1.3 Approach C: Using the Logical and Complicated Sentences
2.2 Advertising Texts Arts of Rational Persuasion
2.2.1 Emphasis of Reason-Why Text on Argumentation
2.2.2 Emphasis of Problem-Solution Text on Solving Problem
2.2.3 Emphasis of Educational Text on Extending Knowledge
2.2.4 Emphasis of Institutional Text on the Statement of Performance
2.2.5 Emphasis of Contrast Text on Contrast
2.3 The Aesthetic Style of the Rational Advertising Language
Chapter 3 Emotional Persuasion Strategy
3.1 Advertising Language Techniques of the Emotional Persuasion
3.1.1 Approach A: Using the Lyric Prosy Language Form
3.1.2 Approach B: Using the Poetic Speech Art
3.1.3 Approach C: Using the Sense-Appeal Language Style
3.2 Emotional Appealing Advertising Language and Its Empathy Effects
3.2.1 Promoting Consumers to Produce the Sweet Feelings with the Gentle and Fragrant words
3.2.2 Inspiring the Aesthetic Image Produced in Consumers' Minds with the Graceful Language
3.2.3 Inspiring Consumers' Sense of pride with the Special Lexical Means
3.2.4 Moving Consumers with the Humorous Language
3.2.5 Inspiring Consumers' Sense of Fear with the "Minatory Language"
3.2.6 Inspiring Consumers' Interest with the Novel and Particular Language Forms
3.3 The Aesthetic Style of the Emotional Advertising Language
3.3.1 Flowery Language Style
3.3.2 The Graceful and Restrained Language Style
3.3.3 The Bold and Unconstrained Language Style
3.3.4 Aphoristic Language Style
Chapter 4 Combined Appealing Strategy
4.1 The Language Art of the Additional Form
4.2 The Language Art of the Blending Form
4.2.1 Focus on the Emotions with the Lyrical Descriptions
4.2.2 Focus on the Reasons with the Specific Explanations
4.2.3 The Balanced Expressions and the Explanations
Works Cited
发布时间: 2006-10-13
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