摘要ABSTRACTIntroductionChapter 1 Relevance Theory1.1 Ostensive-inferential Communication1.2 Context in Relevance Theory1.3 Relevance Principle1.4 Optimal Relevance1.5 A Brief SummaryChapter 2 A Relevance-theoretic Approach to Translati2.1 Translation as a Dual Ostensive-inferential Process2.2 Translation as an Interlingual Interpretive Use2.3 Translator's Role2.4 Relevance Principle, Optimal Relevance, Context and Successful TranslationChapter 3 A Brief Review of Chinese Idioms—Xiehouyu3.1 Background of the Related Study3.2 Origin of Xiehouyu3.3 Definition of Xiehouyu3.4 Difference between Xiehouyu and Other Chinese Idioms3.4.1 Difference between Xiehouyu and Riddles3.4.2 Difference between Xiehouyu and Proverbs3.5 The Rhetoric Function of Xiehouyu3.6 Classifications of XiehouyuChapte14 Application of Relevance Theory to the Translation of Xiehouyu4.1 Translatability of Xiehouyu under the Framework of Relevance Theory4.1.1 Translatability and Untranslatability4.1.2 The Relevance-theoretic Account as to the Translatabilily of Xiehouyu4.2 Optimal Relevance as the Principle in Translating Xiehouyu4.3 Techniques of Xiehouyu Translation4.3.1 Literal Translation4.3.2 Literal Translation with Notes4.3.3 Substitution4.3.4 Omission4.3.5 Addition4.3.6 GeneralizationConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录
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