摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter One Nida and His Translation Theory1.1 An introduction of Nida1.2 An introduction of Nida’s translation theory1.2.1 The early stage, the descriptive linguistic stage1.2.2 The mid stage, the scientific and communicative stage1.2.3 The late stage, the sociosemiotic stage1.3 The position of Nida and his translation theory in the translation world of the West1.4 Comments on Nida’s theory1.4.1 Contributions of the theory1.4.2 Limitations of the theory1.4.3 Responses from the circle of translation studiesChapter Two Nida’s Translation Theory in China2.1 The social conditions of China at the time when Nida’s translation thoughts were spread into the country2.2 The introduction and spread of Nida’s translation theory into China2.3 The acceptance of Nida’s translation thoughts in ChinaChapter Three The Influence of Nida’s Translation Theory on Chinese Translation Studies3.1 It provides a new perspective to Chinese translation studies and broadens the vision of Chinese translation world3.2 It stimulates the rethought on traditional Chinese translation theories and initiates a heat of translation studies3.3 It arouses the interest in learning and studying Western translation theories and brings more Western theories into China3.4 It inspires the improvements in translating practice, especially the practice of translation teaching3.5 It contributes to the training of qualified translation personnel3.6 It helps to build the bridge for communication between Western translation studies and Chinese translation studies3.7 It helps to waken the awareness of the independent academic discipline of Translation Studies and contributes to the formation and construction of the discipline of translation studies in ChinaChapter Four A Dialectical View on Both the Deficiencies of Nida’s Theory and the Problems Occurring in the Spread and Acceptance of Nida’s Translation Theory in China4.1 A dialectical view on the deficiencies of Nida’s theory4.2 A dialectical view on the problems occurring in the spread and acceptance of Nida’s translation theory in ChinaConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:影响论文; 奈达论文; 翻译理论论文; 中国翻译研究论文;