AcknowledgementsAbstract(Chinese)Abstract(English)Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The research subject of the thesis1.2 Research methodology and the objectives of the research1.3 The organization of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 The introduction of nicknames2.1.1 The definition of nicknames2.1.2 The origin of nicknames2.1.3 Application of nicknames2.2 Studies concerned about nicknames2.2.1 Perspective of naming theory2.2.2 Perspective of cognitive linguistics2.2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Traditional view of metaphor and metonymy3.2 Cognitive view of metaphor and metonymy3.2.1 Lakoff and Johnson's Conceptual Metaphor Theory3.2.1.1 Cognitive nature of metaphor----An important means of understanding the world3.2.1.2 Mechanism of metaphor----Mapping across two discrete domains3.2.1.3 Philosophical basis----Experientialism3.2.2 Cognitive view of metonymy3.2.2.1 Conceptual Metonymy Theory3.2.2.2 Working mechanism of metonymy---Mapping within an ICMChapter 4 Cognitive Analysis of Nicknames4.1 Formation of nicknames4.1.1 Formation of English nicknames4.1.2 Formation of Chinese nicknames4.1.3 Summary4.2 Metaphor and nicknames4.2.1 Working mechanism of metaphorical nicknames4.2.2 The formation of metaphorical nicknames4.2.2.1 Resemblance-based metaphorical nicknames4.2.2.2 Cultural experience-based metaphorical nicknames4.3 Metonymy and nicknames4.3.1 Working mechanism of metonymic nicknames4.3.2 Classification of metonymic nicknames4.3.2.1 Whole ICM and its part4.3.2.2 Parts of an ICM4.3.2.3 Homophonic nicknames and acronymous nicknames4.3.3 Culture preference reflected in metonymic nicknames4.4 Metaphtonymy and nicknamesChapter Five ConclusionBibliography
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