

论文题目: 大学英语写作教学模式的研究

论文类型: 硕士论文

论文专业: 英语语言文学

作者: 张亮

导师: 祖林

关键词: 过程写作法,社会建构主义,英汉对比研究,实验研究

文献来源: 华北电力大学(河北)

发表年度: 2005

论文摘要: 本课题采用实验研究和定性研究相结合的方法,采取教学实验、问卷调查、访谈等方式,探索出了一种有效的新型大学英语写作教学模式。本文提出的英语写作教学模式为:在课堂组织方式上以过程写作法为主成果法为辅,教学内容上强调英汉语的对比领悟的引导,并将社会建构主义的思想引入英语写作教学过程,以学习者为中心,实行全人教育。上述理念被灵活贯穿于本课题的理论研究、实验操作及结果分析研究中,整个操作过程包括:教师课堂讲解、课堂操练、习作讲评、作文测试、排疑解难、问卷调查、访谈、教学模式意见反馈等。经研究结果系统分析表明,本教学模式不仅可以相对较快提高学生的英语写作水平,而且可以帮助学生形成对外语学习和写作的积极态度和观念,增强自信心,提高学习兴趣,并更深层次的理解外语和母语。本研究为国内探索英语写作教学思路方法提供了借鉴。




Chapter I. Introduction

1.1 The reasons and function of writing?

1.2 High demands of society for English writing ability

1.3 The current situation and urgent need for improving English writing

1.4 Problems and solutions of English writing provided in the study

1.5 An outline of the thesis

Chapter II. Literature Review

2.1 Process Writing

2.1.1 Approaches to teaching writing

2.1.2 The definition of Process Writing

2.1.3 Theoretical foundation for Process Writing

2.1.4 Introduction to Process Writing

2.2 Social Constructivism

2.2.1 The introduction of Social Constructivism

2.2.2 Social Constructivist view of teachers

2.2.3 Social Constructivist View of Learners

2.2.4 Social Constructivist Perspective on Tasks

2.2.5 Constructivist View of the learning context

2.3 Contrastive Analysis

2.3.1 Theory of Contrastive Analysis

2.3.2 Contrastive Analysis and Foreign or Second Language Teaching

2.3.3 Contrastive Analysis and Error Analysis, Language Transfer and Interlanguage

Chapter III. The Design of the Research and Methodology

3.1 Overview

3.2 Objectives

3.3 Subjects

3.4 The process-writing procedure

3.4.1 Assign a communicative, meaningful theme for writing

3.4.2 Model essay and useful words and expressions

3.4.3 Brainstorming and mind map Introduction of brainstorming A mind map---a supplement to brainstorming

3.4.4 Drafting

3.4.5 Revising and reviewing

3.4.6 Sharing

3.4.7 Evaluation and feedback

3.4.8 Rubric for assessing compositions

3.5 Teacher as a friend from the socio-constructive view

3.6 Focus of teaching materials: contrastive studies of English and Chinese Writing

3.6.1 Language and thought

3.6.2 Thought and thought patterns

3.6.3 Major differences of English and Chinese thought patterns and their influences on lexicon and syntax Rational vs. Perceptive Objective vs. Subjective Individual vs. Integrative

3.6.4 A contrastive study of English-Chinese discourse

Chapter IV. Results and Data Analyses

4.1 Findings of the students’interviews

4.2 Data collected from the questionnaires

4.3 Data from the posttest

Chapter V. Conclusion: general discussion, implications and suggestion

5.1 General discussion

5.2 What are the pedagogical implications of the research?

5.2.1 Arouse students’motivation and confidence on learning

5.2.2 Lead students to think in English

5.2.3 Make good use of peer-response

5.2.4 What is an ideal way of learning to write?

5.3 Limitations and suggestions for further study

5.4 Conclusion




Appendix 1: Pre-experimental Questionnaire

Appendix 2: Post-experimental Questionnaire

Appendix 3: Audio text about friendship

Appendix 4: Topics of writing tests and tasks

Appendix 5: Sample essays of students in Experimental Group

Appendix 6: A letter in reply to students

Appendix 7: Raw scores of posttest


发布时间: 2007-03-14


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