ABSTRACT摘要ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the study1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Overall structure of the studyCHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 The definitions of Chinese idioms and idioms in English2.1.1 The definition of Chinese idioms (成语)2.1.2 The definition of idioms in English2.1.3 The research objective in the present study2.2 The origins of Chinese idioms and idioms in English2.3 The characteristics of Chinese idioms2.3.1 The basic characteristics of Chinese idioms2.3.2 The special characteristics of Chinese idioms2.4 An overview of the studies of Chinese idiom translation2.5 An overview of conceptual metaphor2.5.1 The studies of metaphor2.5.2 The application of conceptual metaphor in translation2.6 An overview of construction grammar2.6.1 A brief summary of the studies of "construction"2.6.2 The schools of construction grammar2.6.3 The background of the current studies of construction grammar in ChinaCHAPTER THREE THE ENLIGHTENMENTS TO CHINESE IDIOMTRANSLATION FROM CONCEPTUAL METAPHOR AND CONSTRUCTIONGRAMMAR3.1 A new perspective of the nature of Chinese idioms3.1.1 Metaphorical characteristic originated from conceptual metaphor3.1.2 Constructional characteristic originated from construction grammar3.2 A new perspective of the nature of Chinese idiom translation3.3 The enlightenments to the translation principles of Chinese idiomsCHAPTER FOUR A CASE STUDY4.1 A brief introduction to the data collection4.2 Data analysis4.2.1 Comparison of the translation methods of images in the two translated versions4.2.2 Comparison of the translation methods in terms of structure in the two translated versions4.2.3 The causes of different translation methodsCHAPTER FIVE THE PRINCIPLES OF CHINESE IDIOM TRANSLATION5.1 The necessity of the principles of Chinese idiom translation and its target5.2 The limitations of traditional translation methods and the difficulties of Chinese idiom translation5.3 Principles of Chinese idiom translation5.3.1 Maintaining the metaphorical characteristic of the images, and connecting the relevant-cultural connotations between Chinese and English images5.3.2 Keeping the successful transference of the features of prototypical structure of Chinese idioms5.3.3 The mutual complementation between image translation and structural translationCHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION6.1 Main findings6.2 Limitations of this study6.3 Suggestions for the translator and the future studyREFERENCES
标签:概念隐喻论文; 构式语法论文; 成语论文; 翻译原则论文; 红楼梦论文;
从概念隐喻看构式为“V1I1V2I2”成语的翻译原则 ——以《红楼梦》两译本为例