Abstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Introduction of American Sitcoms1.3 Significance of This Study1.4 The Layout of the ThesisChapter 2 Theoretical Foundations and Literature Review2.1 Relative Theory of Style2.1.1 The Definition of Style2.1.2 Stylistics2.1.3 Stylistic Analysis2.1.4 Previous Study on Computational Stylistic2.2 Corpus Linguistics2.2.1 Definition of Corpus and Characteristics of Corpus Linguistics2.2.2 Review of Corpus-Based Studies2.2.3 Methodology for Corpus-Based Studies2.2.4 Principles for Gathering Corpus Data2.3 Comparison between Written English and Spoken English2.3.1 Written Language and Spoken Language2.3.2 Comparison between Written English and Spoken English2.4 Conversation Analysis2.4.1 The Definition of conversation analysis2.4.2 Previous study on conversation analysis2.5 General Introduction to Subtitles2.5.1 The Definition of Subtitles2.5.2 The Function of Subtitles2.5.3 Classification of SubtitlesChapter 3 Research Methodology3.1 Corpus Building3.2 Analysis Tools3.2.1 Visual FoxPro3.2.2 SPSS3.2.3 Wordsmith3.3 Research Design3.3.1 Analysis level3.3.2 Analysis Methods3.4 Research ProcedureChapter 4 Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis and Discussion4.1 The Graphological Level4.1.1 Results of Some Punctuation Marks4.1.2 Analysis4.1.3 Summary4.2 The Lexical Level4.2.1 Vocabulary Richness4.2.2 Words Frequency4.2.3 Word Length4.2.4 Word Class4.2.5 Slang Words4.2.6 Vulgar Words4.2.7 Small Words4.2.8 Summary4.3 The Syntactic Level4.3.1 Sentence Length4.3.2 Coordination and Subordination4.3.3 Use of Passive Voice4.3.4 Summary4.4 The Semantic Level4.4.1 Situational Ellipsis4.4.2 Pause4.4.3 Repeats4.4.4 Summary4.5 DiscussionChapter 5 Conclusions5.1 Major Findings5.1.1 The Graphological Level5.1.2 The Lexical Level5.1.3 The Syntactic Level5.1.4 The Semantic Level5.1.5 Summary5.2 Implications5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further StudyReferencesAppendixesAcknowledgementsResume
标签:语料库论文; 美剧论文; 英语字幕论文; 检验论文;