AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要List of AbbreviationsChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Research1.2 Significance of This Study1.3 Layout of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Communicative Language Teaching2.1.1 Theories about Communicative Language Teaching2.1.2 Two Versions of Communicative Language Teaching2.1.3 Features of Communicative Language Teaching2.1.4 Models of Communicative Language Teaching2.2 The Input Hypothesis2.3 Corpus Linguistics2.3.1 Definition and Development2.3.2 Corpus Classifications2.3.3 Characteristics of Corpus Linguistics2.4 Previous StudiesChapter Three Research Tools3.1 Questionnaire, Observation and Interview3.2 Wordsmith Tools3.3 Ultraedit 323.4 Excel Software3.5 CorpusChapter Four Needs Analysis4.1 Traditional Ways of Listening and Speaking Teaching4.2 The Current Situation of Audio-Visual Course4.3 Learners' Interests in English-movie-based Audio-visual Course4.4 Learners' Beliefs in English-movie-based Audio-visual Course4.5 Learners' Preference4.6 Results of the InterviewChapter Five Advantages of Teaching Listening, Speaking and Culture throughSubtitled English Movies5.1 Providing Colorful and Authentic Materials5.2 Providing Cultural Input5.3 Cultivating Communicative Competence5.4 Encouraging Maximum Participation5.5 Lowering Learners' Anxiety5.6 Motivating Learners5.7 Introducing Variety and Flexibility into the ClassroomChapter Six Linguistic Features of English Movie Language6.1 EMSC Corpus Building6.2 Linguistic Features of English Movie Subtitles6.2.1 Diverse Punctuation Marks6.2.2 Rich Vocabulary6.2.3 Top 100 High Frequuency Words6.2.4 Short Word Length6.2.5 Abundant Slang Words6.2.6 Various InterjectionsChapter Seven ConclusionBibliographyAppendices
标签:语料库论文; 英文电影论文; 语言特点论文; 听说能力论文; 跨文化交际能力论文; 大学视听课论文;