
随着科学技术的发展,越来越多的语篇逐渐呈现多模态化。尤其是在新闻报道语篇中更是如此:报纸上图像越来越多,占得篇幅也越来越大;网上新闻报道甚至还链接上了视频,不仅有动态图像,而且还有声音。换句话说,图像在新闻报道中发挥着越来越重要的作用。一些研究批评语篇分析的学者十分关注新闻语篇,但是他们仅仅关注新闻语篇中的文字,而有关新闻图像分析的研究则凤毛麟角。本文以Kress和van Leeuwen提出的视觉语法为理论基础,对中美媒体报道西藏3.14动乱事件时使用图像的情况进行多模态语篇分析,揭示中美媒体在这一事件的报道中体现的不同意识形态。具体来说,中国媒体将警察建构成西藏人民和社会的“保护神”;将动乱分子建构成给西藏人民带来灾难,给西藏和中国造成巨大损失的暴徒、恶棍。而美国媒体却将警察建构成粗暴的“镇压者”;反而将动乱分子建构成“弱者”,在一些图像中,甚至将他们建构成“和平抗议者”。分析表明,通过图像制造者在向量、接触、距离、视角、信息值、显著性和框架等方面的加工,图像已不再具有简单的再现意义、互动意义和构图意义,而是成为媒体表达其意识形态意义的一种方式。
摘要AbstractList of Figures and TablesChapter One Introduction1.1 Rationale of the Present Study1.2 Objectives and Research Questions1.3 Data Collection and Research Method1.4 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Multimodal Discourse Analysis2.1.1 A survey of multimodal discourse analysis2.1.2 Earlier studies of the sign2.1.3 Visual communication2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis2.3 Critical Discourse Analysis and Multimodal Discourse AnalysisChapter Three An Analytical Framework3.1 Introduction3.2 Kress and Van Leeuwen’s Visual Grammar3.2.1 Representational meaning3.2.2 Interactive meaning3.2.3 Compositional meaning3.3 SummaryChapter Four Analysis of Visual Images in Tibet 3.14 News Reports4.1.Introduction4.2 Overall Analysis of the Photo Groups4.2.1 Overall analysis of the photo group from New York Times4.2.2 Overall analysis of the photo group from Chinese Media4.2.3 Comparative results4.3 Analysis of Images about the Army Vehicles4.3.1 Army Vehicles—the attacker or the sufferer4.3.2 Army Vehicles-interacting with the viewer or not4.3.3 Army Vehicles-important or ancillary information4.3.4 Ideologies in the image about the army vehicles4.4 Analysis of Images about the Clash between the Police and the Insurgents4.4.1 Attacker-the police or the insurgents4.4.2 The viewer –involving with the insurgents or not4.4.3 The police-beating or hiding4.4.4 Ideologies in the image about the clash between the police and the insurgents4.5 Analysis of Images about the Police Blockading4.5.1 The Police-blockading or protecting4.5.2 The insurgents-interacting with the viewer or disappearing4.5.3 The Insurgents-important information or not4.5.4 Ideologies in the image about the police blockading4.6 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further StudiesBibliographyAppendix攻读硕士期间发表论文目录Acknowledgements
标签:视觉语法论文; 多模态语篇分析论文; 新闻图像论文; 意识形态论文;