Abstract(Chinese)Abstract(English)Synopsis(Chinese)Synopsis(English)Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 English reading class in contemporary Chinese senior schools1.2 The significance of the present study1.3 The organization of the thesisChapter 2 Inquiry learning and its theoretical assumptions2.1 Definition of inquiry learning2.2 Development of inquiry learning2.3 Rationale of inquiry learning2.4 Characteristics of inquiry learning2.5 Four typical operating models in inquiry learningChapter 3 English reading and basic reading models3.1 Definitions of reading3.2 Reading competence3.3 Reading process3.4 Some traditional models of teaching reading3.5 Traditional teaching model and its major defects3.6 The necessity of inquiry learning in the teaching of English readingChapter 4 Application of inquiry learning in English reading teaching4.1 Inquiry reading in workshop4.2 Topic inquiry in reading4.3 21st Century Newspaper aiding inquiry reading teaching4.4 Inquiry -extensive reading teachingChapter 5 Research design of the present study5.1 Hypotheses5.2 Subjects5.3 Instruments5.4 The research procedure5.5 Data analysis and discussion5.6 Findings from the questionnaires and discussionChapter 6 ConclusionBibliographyAppendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3Appendix 4Appendix 5Acknowledgements
标签:探究学习论文; 英语阅读论文; 英语教学论文; 高中生论文;