
- 答:你可磨桥以瞎喊猛在论文图书馆上面下载:
what is pressure? we university students may feel it clearly while we are looking for jobs.
nowadays, there are more and more undergraduate or even graduate students when the panies are less and less. we are sellers and panies are buyers which are much less than the sellers. so it will be a very difficult problem for us to find a content job. because of the working pressure, we had to accept the job which is not very related to our major or does not adapt to us.
in order to be a petitor in the battle, we must train ourselves to e a type of "T" talent. so pressure is not only an obstacle but also a motivity. - 答:哪个国家的大学生就业?
- 答:自己启握去sciencedirect,悄闭庆springerlink等外文数据库下载啊或者到知态橡网,维普等中文数据库下载很多的,校园网内免费获取校园网外可以利用google学术搜索,有部分能免费下载
- 答:[1]张杰、张丽蓉,就业难-人才供需的悖论[M].中山大学出版社.
[3]文 明,大学生“就业历弊难”根源在昌滚于高等教育的体制缺陷[J].
[4]文 明,大学生“就业难”的治本之策在于高等教育改革[J].
《科耐烂余技传播》杂志 - 答:英辑是为非英语国家科研工作者提供英文学薯亏术文章翻译、文章润色、文章指导与文章修改服务和各类学术科棚知研服务的专业科研数和神服务品牌。