摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Overview Motivation1.2 Methodology1.3 Structure of ReportChapter 2 General Vehicle Classification2.1 Introduction2.2 The Vehicle Classification Problem2.3 Uses for Classification Data2.4 Current Vehicle Classification Methods2.4.1 Axle Based Counters2.4.2 Vehicle Length Based Counters2.4.3 Vision Based Classification2.4.4 Height Profile Based Classification2.4.5 Classification System FrameworkChapter 3 System Operating for Vehicle Detection and Classification3.1 AVDC System3.2 The Technologies Using in AVDC System3.2.1 Inductive Loop Detectors3.2.2 Magnetometer Sensors3.2.3 Microwave Radar3.2.4 PIR(Passive Infra Red)Detectors3.2.5 Ultrasonic Detectors3.2.6 Laser Fixed Beam Detectors(Active Infrared)3.2.7 Laser Scanning Beam Detectors(Active Infrared)3.2.8 Video Image Processing(VIP)Detectors3.3 High Fidelity Laser Sensors3.4 Advanced Laser Sensor DetectorsTM 800 series'>3.4.1 AutoSenseTM 800 series3.4.2 Universal Laser Sensor(ULS)Chapter 4 Data Acquisition and Vehicle Detection4.1 Detection Process4.2 Segmentation4.3 Height Profile of the Vehicle4.4 Data CorrectionChapter 5 Vehicle Classification Methodology5.1 Vehicle Feature Extraction5.1.1 Height5.1.2 Width5.1.3 Length5.1.4 Speed5.2 Vehicle Classification Technique5.2.1 Classification Scheme5.2.2 Vehicle Classification Algorithm5.2.2.1 Height,Length and Width Based Classification5.2.2.2 Height Profile Based Classification5.2.2.3 Classification Algorithm Steps5.2.3 The Input Database Used For Classification5.2.4 Experimental Results5.3 DiscussionCONCLUSIONReferencesAcknowledgment
标签:检测论文; 车辆自动分类论文; 特征提取论文; 高度轮廓论文; 公路车辆论文; 激光传感器论文;