摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Motivation1.2 Study Questions of the Thesis1.3 Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 General Literature Review of the Study of Advertising2.1 The Definition of Advertising2.2 The Classification of Advertising2.3 The Structure of Advertising2.4 Purpose and Function of Advertising2.5 Previous Study on Advertising2.5.1 Non-linguistic Approach2.5.2 Linguistic ApproachChapter 3 Theoretical Basis3.1 Origin of Speech Acts3.2 John Austin's Speech Act Theory3.2.1 Constatives and Performatives3.2.2 The Classification of the Speech Acts3.2.3 The Classification of Illocutionary Acts3.3 Searle's Speech Act Theory3.3.1 Searle's Felicity Condition on Speech Acts3.3.2 The Classification of Illocutionary Acts3.3.3 Indirect Speech Acts3.4 Terms Associated with Quantitative Analysis3.4.1. The Definition of Hypothesis Testing3.4.2 The Definition of Significance Level3.4.3 The Definition of Chi-square TestChapter 4 Analysis and Discussion4.1 Analysis Designing4.1.1 Research Objects4.1.2 Research Methodology4.1.3 Analysis Principle4.2 Categories of English Commercial Advertising Slogans4.3 Speech Acts in English Commercial Advertising Slogans4.3.1 Speech Acts in Nominal Phrase Commercial Advertising Slogans4.3.2 Speech Acts in Verb Phrase Commercial Advertising Slogans4.3.3 Speech acts in Modifying Phrase Commercial Advertising Slogans4.3.4 Speech Acts in One Full Sentence Commercial Advertising Slogans4.3.5 Speech Acts in Two or More Sentences Commercial Advertising Slogans4.4 Significance Levels of Frequencies between Six Kinds of Sentences4.4.1 Significance Levels of Frequencies Differences between assertive and that ofthe others4.4.2 Significance Levels of Frequencies Differences between (Assertive+Commissives) and (Assertive+Commissives+Directives), Directives, Commissives,Expressive4.4.3 Significance Levels of Frequencies Differences between (AssertiveCommissives+Directives) and Directives, Commissives, Expressive4.4.4 Significance Levels of Frequencies Differences between Directives andCommissives, Expressive4.4.5 Significance Levels of Frequencies Differences between Commissives andExpressive4.5 Probable Reasons for the Difference Frequencies of English Commercial AdvertisingSlogansChapter 5 ConclusionReferences攻读硕士学位期间取得的学术成果Acknowledgements
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标签:广告论文; 言语行为理论论文; 理性诉求论文; 情感诉求论文;