ABSTRACT摘要Chapter I Introduction1.1 Brief Introduction of Graphite1.2 Graphite Resource Worldwide1.3 Properties of Industrial Graphite1.4 Applications of Industrial GraphiteChapter II Current Situation of China's Graphite Product Exportation2.1 The Production and Distribution of China's Graphite2.2 Exportation Scale of Graphite Product2.3 Exportation Price of Graphite Product2.4 Main Export MarketsChapter III Globe Trade in Graphite3.1 Import Situation of the World3.2 Export Situation of the World3.3 Import and Export Situation in USA3.3.1 Consumption in USA3.3.2 Price in USA3.3.3 Foreign Trade in USA3.3.4 Import and Export Situation in 20053.3.5 Import and Export Situation in 2006Chapter IV Advantages and Disadvantages of China's Graphite Exportation4.1 Advantage Analysis4.1.1 Mineral Resource Advantage4.1.2 Labor Resource Advantage4.1.3 Regional Advantage4.2 Disadvantage Analysis4.2.1 Lack of Innovation and Low Added Value4.2.2 Blind Production, Disordered Competition and Low Price4.2.3 Waste of Resource and Environmental Pollution4.2.4 Poor Quality4.2.5 Protectionism and Non Trade-Barrier4.2.6 Disadvantage of RMB Appreciation4.2.7 Negotiation DisadvantageChapter V Analysis on International Competitiveness of China's Graphite Exportation5.1 The Theory of Port's Diamond5.1.1 Factor Endowments5.1.2 Demand Conditions in the Home Market5.1.3 Relating and Supporting Industries5.1.4 Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry5.1.5 Chance Events5.1.6 Government5.2 Analysis on International Competitiveness of China's Graphite Exportation5.2.1 Factor Endowments Analysis5.2.2 Demand Conditions Analysis5.2.3 Relating and Supporting Industries Analysis5.2.4 Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry Analysis5.2.5 Chance Events Analysis5.2.6 Government AnalysisChapter VI Proposals for China's Graphite Exportation6.1 Proposals for Government6.1.1 Industry Structure Adjustment6.1.2 Collectivized Development6.1.3 Deepening of Exportation Management6.1.4 Protection of Resource and Environment6.1.5 Cooperation with Universities and Academies6.1.6 Mechanism of Trade Remedy6.2 Proposals for Industrial Association6.2.1 Guidance of Operational Mechanism Transformation6.2.2 Related Information Provision6.2.3 Protection of Industry Benefit6.2.4 Strengthening Industry Training6.2.5 Experience of Graphite Industrial Association Abroad6.3 Proposals for Enterprise6.3.1 Nationalization and Quality Improvement6.3.2 Product Innovation and Self-owned Brand6.3.3 Talent CultivationChapter VII ConclusionREFERENCESACKNOWLEDGEMENT
标签:石墨论文; 产品创新论文; 产品出口论文; 中国论文;