Acknowledgement中文摘要AbstractIntroduction0.1 Significance of the present study0.2 Theory BasisChapter 1 Translation and Beyond1.1 Definition of Translation1.1.1 Relation between language and culture1.1.2 Relation between culture and translation1.1.3 Culture, language and translation interactions1.2 The Significance of C-E news translationChapter 2 News and News Translation2.1 Definition of News2.1.1 Definition of News2.1.2 Determinants of News2.2 Structure of English News2.2.1 News headlines2.2.2 Leads2.3 Stylistic Features of News Language2.3.1 Features of words in the news2.3.2 Features of sentence in the news2.3.3 Features of grammar in the news2.4 News Translation2.4.1 Peculiarities of News Translation2.4.2 Standards of news TranslationChapter 3 Domestication and Foreignization3.1 Basic Knowledge about Domestication and Foreignization3.1.1 Definition of Domestication and Foreignization3.1.2 Venuti’s theory of Foreignization3.1.3 Distinguishing Domestication/Foreignization from Free/Literal Translation3.1.4 Distinguishing Domestication/Foreignization from over Domestication/Over Foreignization3.2 Debates Over the two Strategies3.2.1 Debates in China3.2.2 Debates in the west3.3 Advantages and limitations of Domestication and foreignization3.4 Objective socio-culture factors influencing the choice of domestication and foreignization3.4.1 Even-Zohar’s polysystem theory3.4.2 Cultural status and the choice of translation strategyChapter 4 Application of Domestication and Foreignization in News Translation(C-E)4.1 Domestication and Foreignization in News Translation (C-E)4.2 Domestication: the Dominant Strategy in News Translation4.2.1 Reasons for Emphasizing Domestication4.2.1.1 The Text Type4.2.1.2 The Translation Purpose4.2.1.3 Reader Acceptance4.2.1.4 Translator’s Role and Cultural Attitude4.2.1.5 Our Comparatively low culture status in polysystem4.2.2 Method of Domestication Translation4.2.2.1 Annotation4.2.2.2 Deletion4.2.2.3 Recreation4.3 Dialectic Relation between the two Strategies in News Translation4.3.1 Application of Mainly Domestication in News Translation C-E4.3.1.1 Applying domestication in lexis translation of news4. Applying domestication in translation of Neologism4. Applying domestication in translation of idioms4.3.1.2 Applying domestication in translation of news headline4.3.1.3 Applying domestication in translation of news lead4.3.2 Application of supplementary Foreignization in News Translation C-E4.3.3 Application of Domestication plus Foreignization in News Translation C-EConclusionBibliography
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标签:新闻文体论文; 汉译英论文; 归化论文; 异化论文; 文化论文;