摘要AbstractList of AbbreviationsChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Orientation1.2 Objectives of the Study1.3 Outline of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Definition of Key Concepts2.1.1 The Concept of Inference2.1.2 The Concept of Predictive Inferences2.1.3 The Concept of Working Memory2.2 Models of The Generation of Predictive Inferences2.2.1 The Minimalist Hypothesis2.2.2 The Constructionist Theory2.2.3 The Current-state Selection Theory2.2.4 The Causal Inference Maker2.3 Factors Constraining the Predictive Inferential Process2.3.1 Reader-based Variables Constraining the Inferential Process2.3.2 Text-based Variables Constraining the Inferential Process2.4 Related Empirical Studies on Predictive Inference Generation2.4.1 Previous Studies of Working Memory and Predictive Inferences Generati2.4.2 Previous Studies of Situation-based Context and Predictive Inferences GenerationChapter Three Research Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Working Memory Capacity Experiment3.2.1 Participants3.2.2 Materials and Instrument3.2.3 Procedure3.2.4 Grading of Working Memory Capacity3.3 Predictive Inference Experiment3.3.1 Participants3.3.2 Materials and Instrument3.3.3 Pilot Study3.3.4 Research Design and ProcedureChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 Results4.1.1 Response Errors4.1.2 Response Time4.2 Discussion4.2.1 Working Memory and Predictive Inference Generation4.2.2 Situation-based Context and Predictive Inference GenerationChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Implications of the Study5.2.1 Theoretical Implications5.2.2 Methodological Implications5.2.3 Pedagogical Implications5.3 Limitation of the Present Study5.4 Suggestions for Further StudiesReferencesAppendicesAppendix Ⅰ Instructions for Working Memory ExperimentAppendix Ⅱ 工作记忆能力测试样题Appendix Ⅲ 工作记忆能力测试答题纸Appendix Ⅳ Instructions for Predictive Inferences ExperimentAppendix Ⅴ Sample Paragraphs for Experimental MaterialsAcknowledgements个人简历、发表的学术论文及科研项目
标签:语篇理解论文; 二语记叙性语篇论文; 预期推理论文; 工作记忆论文; 情景语境论文;