摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Rationality1.2 Motivation1.3 Theoretical Background1.4 Thesis StructureChapter Two Key Word Confusion and Humor Misunderstandings in the Translation of Will and Grace2.1 Key Word Confusion in Humor Translation2.1.1 Key Word Choosing Confusion2.1.2 Key Word Meaning Determination Confusion2.2 Humor Misunderstandings Caused by Key Word Confusion in Will and Grace2.2.1 Failure to Choose the Right Key Word2.2.2 Failure to Determine the Right Key Word Meanings2.3 Pragmatic Adaptation to Key Word Confusion in the Translation of Will and Grace2.3.1 Adaptation at Wordplay Level2.3.2 Adaptation to Key Word Confusion2.3.3 Choice-making to Avoid Humor Misunderstandings Caused by Key Word Confusion2.4 SummaryChapter Three Intended Utterance Assumption and Humor Misunderstandings in the Translation of Will and Grace3.1 Intended Utterance Assumption in Humor Translation3.1.1 Original Utterance Meaning3.1.2 Implied Utterance Information3.2 Humor Misunderstandings Caused by Intended Utterance Assumption in Will and Grace3.2.1 Failure to Recover the Intended Utterance Assumption3.2.2 Twist in the Intended Utterance Assumption3.3 Pragmatic Adaptation to Intended Utterance Assumption in the Translation of Will and Grace3.3.1 Adaptation at Semantic Level3.3.2 Adaptation to Intended Utterance Assumption3.3.3 Choice-making to Avoid Humor Misunderstandings Caused by Intended Utterance Assumption3.4 SummaryChapter Four Contextual Contradiction and Humor Misunderstandings in the Translation of Will and Grace4.1 Contextual Contradiction in Humor Translation4.1.1 Situational Background Contradiction4.1.2 Cultural Background Contradiction4.2 Humor Misunderstandings Caused by Contextual Contradiction in Will and Grace4.2.1 Suspense of Situational Background4.2.2 Lack of Cultural Background Cognition4.3 Pragmatic Adaptation to Contextual Contradiction in the Translation of Will and Grace4.3.1 Adaptation at Context Level4.3.2 Adaptation to Contextual Contradiction4.3.3 Choice-making to Avoid Humor Misunderstandings Caused by Contextual Contradiction4.4 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Findings5.2 Significance5.3 Limitations and SuggestionsAcknowledgementBibliographyPublication While Registered with the MA Program
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标签:幽默翻译论文; 幽默误读论文; 语用顺应论文; 威尔和葛蕾丝论文;
翻译过程中幽默误读的语用顺应 ——以《威尔和葛蕾丝》中的幽默翻译为例