English AbstractChinese AbstractAcknowledgementsⅠIntroduction1.1 Background and need for the research1.2 The purpose of the research1.3 The structure of the thesisⅡLiterature Review2.1 Definition of bilingualism and bilingual education2.1.1 Definition of bilingualism 2.1.2 Definition of bilingual education2.2 Differences between bilingual education and bilingual teaching/instruction2.3 A review of others’ research in the past several years 2.3.1 A review of western bilingualism research2.3.2 A review of bilingualism research in China2.4 The relation between this research and others’ researches beforeⅢ Theoretical Foundation3.1 The balance theory3.2 Think tank model3.3 The thresholds theory3.4 Interdependent hypothesis3.5 Attitude-motivation model3.6 Social-educational modelⅣ Data collection4.1 Questionnaire4.1.1 Subject4.1.2 Treatment4.2 Interview4.2.1 Subject4.2.2 TreatmentⅤ Data analysis and discussion5.1 Data analysis of the questionnaire5.1.1 Students’ English level before entering bilingual school5.1.2 It is bilingual teaching but not bilingual education in China5.1.3 Bilingual schools make students like English and learning English5.1.4 Students’ learning of extensive and some content subjects in English5.1.5 Why couldn’t students understand some contents?5.2 Data analysis of the interview5.2.1 Bilingual teaching is not teaching in English5.2.2 Qualified teacher is an important element in bilingual teaching5.2.3 Students’English level should not be ignored, either5.2.4 The role of mixture of Chinese and English in teaching5.2.5 Teaching materials of bilingual teaching and the conflict with education system in China5.3 Strategies of bilingual teaching in bilingual schoolsⅥ Conclusions and limitations6.1 Conclusions6.2 Implications of further language teaching6.3 Limitations of the present researchReferencesAppendix
标签:双语教育理论论文; 双语教育实践论文;