Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter One An Introduction to Humor1.1 A Brief Introduction to Humor1.2 Definitions of Humor1.3 Classification of HumorChapter Two Literature Review on Humor Research2.1 Contrastive Linguistics2.2 Linguistic Studies on Humor2.2.1 General Introduction2.2.2 Humor and CP2.2.3 Humor and RTChapter Three The Language Features of Verbal Humor3.1 Phonological Approach3.2 Lexical Approach3.3 Syntactic Approach3.4 Semantic Approach3.5 Rhetorical ApproachChapter Four A Relevance-Theoretic Account of the Understanding of English and Chinese Humors4.1 Introduction4.2 RT and Utterance Understanding4.3 RT and English and Chinese Humors on the Phonological Level4.4 RT and English and Chinese Humors on the Lexical Level4.5 RT and English and Chinese Humors on the Syntactic Level4.6 RT and English and Chinese Humors on the Semantic Level4.7 RT and English and Chinese Humors on the Rhetorical LevelChapter Five Barriers in the Understanding of English and Chinese Humors5.1 Language-based Barriers5.2 Context-based Barriers5.3 Culture-based Barriers5.4 Philosophy-based BarriersChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.2 Implications6.2.1 For Humor Research6.2.2 For RT6.2.3 For Language Teaching and Learning6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future ResearchReference
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