Abstracts摘要Chapter I Introduction1.1 The Theme of This Thesis1.2 Validity of This Thesis1.3 Theories Applied1.4 Research Methodology1.5 Structure of This ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 A Survey of Translation Principles in History2.2 The Standard of “Optimal Approximation”2.3 Three Schools of Poetic Translation Proposed by Xu Yuanchong2.4 Compensation and Its Validity2.5 ConclusionChapter Three Why Classical Chinese Poetry Is Difficult to Translate But Translatable?3.1 Difficulties in Poetic Translation3.1.1 Difficulties in Translating Style3.1.1.1 Style Is Always Idiosyncratic Which Is Hard to Reproduce3.1.1.2 Insufficient Appreciation of the Original Style3.1.2 Difficulties in Translating Images3.1.2.1 Discrepant Association to the Same Image in Different Cultures3.1.2.2 Cultural Default in the Poetic Image3.1.2.3 Cultural Default in Translating Allusions3.1.3 Difficulties in Translating Rhymes3.1.3.1 Contrasts of the Chinese and English Rhymes3.1.3.2 The Untranslatability of Rhymes3.1.4 Difficulties Arising from the Linguistic Contrasts of Hypotaxis and Parataxis3.2 On the Translatability of PoetryChapter Four: Compensation Means Applied in Translating Classical Chinese Poetry into English4.1 Compensation Means Applied in the Translation of Images4.1.1 Converting the Original Image4.1.2 Abandoning the Original Image4.2 Compensation Means of Generalization Applied In the Translation of Allusions4.3 Compensation Means Applied in the Translation of Sound Features4.3.1 Substituting foot for Dun4.3.2 Using Natural Rhythm4.4 Addition and Omission Applied in Overcoming the Difficulties Arising From Parataxis and Hypotaxis ContrastsChapter Five How to Use the Standard of “Optimal Approximation”to Evaluate VersionsChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Conclusion6.2 Possible Significance of This Thesis6.3 Limitations of This Thesis6.4 Further StudyBibliography
标签:汉诗英译论文; 补偿策略论文; 最佳近似值论文;