Abstract摘要Introduction1. Literature review1.1 Clarification of some related terms1.1.1 Vagueness versus fuzziness1.1.2 Vagueness versus generality1.1.3 Vagueness versus ambiguity1.2 Historical overview of vagueness researches1.2.1 Philosophically-oriented1.2.2 Psychologically-oriented1.2.3 Semantically-oriented1.2.4 Pragmatically-oriented1.3 Account of negotiation1.3.1 Definition of negotiation1.3.2 Classification of negotiation1.3.3 Stages of business negotiation (BN)1.4 Previous studies of business negotiation2. Theoretical framework of the study2.1 Cooperative principle2.2 Politeness theories2.2.1 Lakoff’s theory of politeness2.2.2 Leech’s politeness principles2.2.3 Brown and Levinson’s face theory3. Elaboration of vagueness in business negotiation3.1 Reasons for the existence of vagueness in business negotiation3.2 Pragmatic realization of vagueness in business negotiation3.2.1 Vague words3.2.2 Hedges3.2.3 Syntactic vagueness3.3 Pragmatic functions of vagueness in business negotiation3.3.1 Being flexible3.3.2 Giving the right amount of information3.3.3 Being persuasive3.3.4 Self-protection3.3.5 Being polite4. Application of cooperative principle to vagueness in business negotiation4.1 Quality maxim and vagueness4.1.1 Observation of quality maxim by vagueness4.1.2 Violation of quality maxim by vagueness4.2 Quantity maxim and vagueness4.2.1 Observation of quantity maxim by vagueness4.2.2 Violation of quantity maxim by vagueness4.3 Relevance maxim and vagueness4.3.1 Observation of relevance maxim by vagueness4.3.2 Violation of relevance maxim by vagueness4.4 Manner maxim and vagueness4.4.1 Observation of manner maxim by vagueness4.4.2 Violation of manner maxim by vagueness5. Application of face theory to vagueness in business negotiation5.1 Vagueness and politeness5.2 Hearer’s face and vagueness in business negotiation5.2.1 Hearer’s positive face5.2.2 Hearer’s negative face5.3 Speaker’s face and vagueness in business negotiation5.4 Both speaker and hearer’s faceConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:模糊论文; 语用学论文; 商务谈判论文; 合作原则论文; 面子理论论文;