论文题目: 称呼语的人际意义
论文类型: 硕士论文
论文专业: 英语语言文学
作者: 王志丽
导师: 马铁川
关键词: 称呼语,人际意义,系统功能语言学,语境理论
文献来源: 华北电力大学(河北)
发表年度: 2005
论文摘要: 本文在系统功能语言学理论的指导下,讨论称呼语与人际功能的关系。称呼语不仅传递交际双方角色、地位、权势和亲疏程度的信息,而且也传递说话人对听话人的态度、评价和思想感情。本文汲取了前人的理论和方法,利用中外文学作品研究称呼语在表达人际意义中的作用。本文共分为七章。第一章为引言部分;第二章综述了对称呼语进行研究的主要流派及重要代表人物,分析其贡献与不足,提出了新的研究视角;第三章是本研究的理论框架;本文第四章讨论了称呼语是如何在言语交际中体现双方的互动的;第五章分析了称呼语在表达个人的态度和评价方面所起到的作用;第六章所讨论的是称呼语的使用与语境的关系;第七章是结束部分。本文的结论是:称呼语是表达人际意义的重要资源,在体现交际双方互动和表达说话者个人态度和评价等方面均起到重要作用,从而扩展了韩礼德的人际功能理论框架。论文一定程度上丰富了对称呼语的研究,提供了一个新的研究视角,具有一定的理论意义。
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the present study
1.2 Address forms: a significant linguistic item
1.2.1 The definitions of AF
1.2.2 The classification of AF
1.3 Data and methodology
1.4 Organization of this paper
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
2.1 From the perspective of Sociolinguistics
2.1.1 Brown and Gilman's theory: power and solidarity
2.1.2 Ervin-Tripp's flow chart
2.1.3 The model of Zhu Wanjin
2.2 From the perspective of Pragmatics
2.3 From the perspective of Cross-cultural Communication
Chapter Ⅲ Theoretical Framework
3.1 Brief introduction of SFL
3.2 Interpersonal meanings and address forms
3.2.1 Interpersonal meanings in the framework of SFL
3.2.2 Multiple means to realize Interpersonal meanings
3.2.3 Interpersonal meanings and address form
3.3 Context theory in the framework of functional grammar
3.3.1 An overview of context
3.3.2 Language and context are interdependent
Chapter Ⅳ AF and Interactive Aspects of Interpersonal Management
4.1 AF as a precursor of interaction
4.2 AF and interactional function
4.2.1 Semantic level
4.2.2 Structural level
4.3 AF as salient indicators of status and power
4.3.1 AF and unequal status and power
4.3.2 AF and equal status and power
4.3.3 AF reflect status and power based on age
4.3.4 AF reflect status and power based on sex
4.4 Social distances and the choice of AF
4.5 AF reflect group identity
4.5.1 Language, identity and interpersonal management
4.5.2 AF and identity
Chapter Ⅴ AF and personal aspects of interpersonal management
5.1 The Appraisal Theory: contribution and insufficiency
5.2 AF imply personal attitude and evaluation
5.2.1 Address forms: a source of attitudes
5.2.2 Attitudes and metaphorical address forms
5.3 Summary
Chapter Ⅵ Address forms indicate context
6.1 Address forms create context
6.2 AF reflect variants of register
6.2.1 Achieve satiric or condemnatory effect
6.2.2 Indicate personal attitude
6.2.3 Achieve humorous or facetious effect
6.2.4 Draw near or stand off
6.2.5 Encourage or praise
6.3 Formality---a continuum
Chapter Ⅶ Conclusion and Suggestions
7.1 Summary
7.2 Implications to teaching
7.3 Concluding remarks
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
发布时间: 2007-03-14
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