Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 A Review of Fuzzy Linguistics1.2 The Previous Study of Vagueness1.2.1 Philosophical Perspective1.2.2 Semantic Perspective1.2.3 Psychological Perspective1.2.4 Pragmatic Perspective1.3 Definition of Vague Language1.3.1 Classification of Some Terms1.3.2 Different Definitions of Vagueness1.4 The Existence of Vague Language1.4.1 Vagueness of Objective World1.4.2 Vagueness of Human Mind1.4.3 Vagueness of Language System1.4.4 Necessity of Vagueness in NegotiationChapter 2 Vague Language in Business Negotiation2.1 Vagueness in Business Negotiation2.1.1 What Is Business Negotiation2.1.2 Previous Study on Business Negotiation2.2 Characteristics of Vagueness in Business Negotiation Language2.2.1 Tactfulness and Politeness2.2.2 Implicitness and Flexibility2.3 Linguistic Realization of Vague Language in Business Negotiation2.3.1 Vagueness from Lexical Level2.3.2 Vagueness from Syntactical Level2.3.3 Vagueness from Contextual Level2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Pragmatic Approach to Vagueness in Business Negotiation3.1 Definition and Classification of Pragmatic Vagueness3.1.1 Definition of Pragmatic Vagueness3.1.2 Classification of Vagueness in Pragmatics3.2 Pragmatic Vagueness and Cooperative Principle3.2.1 Cooperative Principle3.2.2 Application of CP in Present Study3.3 Pragmatic Vagueness and Politeness Principle3.3.1 Politeness Principles and Face Theory3.3.2 Application of PP in the Present Study3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Pragmatic Functions of Vagueness in Business Negotiation4.1 The Positive Role of Pragmatic Vagueness in Business Negotiation4.1.1 Creating Harmonious Atmosphere4.1.2 Achieving Politeness4.1.3 Being Self-protecting4.1.4 Being Flexible and Tactful4.1.5 Avoiding or Shifting Responsibility4.1.6 Avoiding Contradiction4.2 The Negative Role of Pragmatic Vagueness in Business Negotiation4.3 SummaryConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:模糊语言论文; 商务谈判论文; 语用功能论文; 合作原则论文; 礼貌原则论文;