摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 The Purpose of the Research1.3 The Significance of the Research1.4 The Problem1.5 Research Questions and Objectives1.6 The Topic of the ResearchChapter 2 Theoretical Framework and Related Literature2.1 Theoretical Framework2.1.1 Introduction2.1.2 The Theoretical Framework of the Thesis2.1.3 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis2.1.4 Motivation Theory2.2 Related Literature2.2.1 Relevant Researches on the Present Transition from Secondary Schools to High Schools2.2.2 Relevant Researches on the Present Transition from High Schools to Colleges and Universities2.2.3 Relevant Seminars or Meetings on the Transition2.2.4 ConclusionsChapter 3 Methods of the Research3.1 Introduction3.2 Participants3.3 Questionnaires3.4 The Distribution of the Questionnaire3.5 Data AnalysisChapter 4 Results4.1 Introduction4.2 The Differences and Similarities of English Teaching between High Schools and Colleges4.2.1 The Relationship of English Teaching between High Schools and Colleges4.2.2 Similarities of English Teaching between High Schools and Colleges4.2.3 Differences of English Teaching between High Schools and Colleges4.2.4 The Relationship between the Courses4.2.5 English Is a Process of Accumulation4.2.6 The Conditions of the New College Students4.3 Factors Preventing the Integration and the Solutions4.3.1 College Teachers’Little Knowledge of High School Students and English Syllabus4.3.2 Inactive Class Atmosphere and the High-level Start in Colleges and Universities4.3.3 The Unitary Teaching Approach in Colleges and Uiversities4.3.4 Inappropriate Teaching Orientation4.3.5 Passive Listeners Rather Than Active Learners4.3.6 The Old-fashioned and Monotonous Teaching ContentChapter 5 Discussion5.1 Introduction5.2 College Teachers’Duty5.2.1 Guiding the Students’Learning Strategies5.2.2 Choosing the Right Teaching Methods5.2.3 Helping to Make a Smooth Transition of the Textbooks from High Schools to Colleges5.2.4 Knowing Clearly the Psychological Need of the Freshmen and Suiting Instruction to Their Real Level5.2.5 Building up a Harmonious Relationship between Teachers and Students5.2.6 Cultivating the Students’Courage and Confidence5.2.7 Learning the Students’Needs by Establishing a Reasonable Level of Expectation5.3 SummaryChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Summary6.2 Validity and Reliability6.2.1 Reliability and Validity of the Objects6.2.2 Reliability and Validity of the Questionnaires6.2.3 Reliability and Validity of the Data Analysis6.3 Limitations and Further Research6.3.1 Limitations of the Research6.3.2 Further ResearchReferencesAppendixPublished PaperAcknowledgements
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