Acknowledgement摘要Abstract前言1 Introduction1.1 Significance of the Research1.2 Purpose of the Research1.3 Organization of the Thesis2 Literature Review2.1 Definition of Grammar2.2 Distinction between Grammatical Competence and Communicative Competence2.3 Studies on English Grammar Teaching at Home and Abroad2.3.1 Studies Abroad2.3.2 Studies at Home2.4 Situation of English Grammar Teaching at Home and Abroad2.4.1 Situation of English Grammar Teaching Abroad2.4.2 Situation of English Grammar Teaching at Home3 Current Situation of College English Grammar Teaching in China3.1 Problems in College English Grammar Teaching in China3.1.1 Problem of China's English Education System3.1.2 Opposition of Grammar Teaching and Communicative Language Teaching3.1.3 Misunderstanding about College Students' Grammatical Competence3.1.4 Influence of CET-4 and CET-63.2 Current Situation of Teachers' Grammar Teaching3.2.1 Lack of Teaching Hours for Grammar3.2.2 No Good Supervision Provided for Grammar3.2.3 Dominance of Traditional Grammar Teaching3.3 Current Situation of Students' Grammar Learning4 Methodology4.1 Introduction4.2 Research Questions4.3 Research Design4.4 Subjects4.4.1 Subjects for Interview4.4.2 Subjects for Questionnaire and Grammar Proficiency Test4.5 Instrument4.5.1 Interview4.5.2 Questionnaire4.5.3 Grammar Proficiency Test4.6 Data Collection4.7 Data Analysis5 Results and Discussions5.1 Results and Discussion Concerning "Teachers' Attitudes towards Grammar Teaching"5.2 Results and Discussion Concerning "Students' Attitudes towards Grammar Teaching"5.3 Results and Discussion Concerning "What Grammatical Items Should Be the Focus of College English Grammar Teaching in the Future"6 Conclusion6.1 Main Findings of the Research6.2 Implications on College English Grammar Teaching6.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions to Further StudiesReferencesAppendix1Appendix2Appendix3
标签:非英语专业大学生论文; 大学英语语法教学论文; 必要性论文;