AcknowledgementsAbstract in ChineseAbstract in EnglishIntroductionChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 Survey of Research on Zhao Benshan's Sketches1.2 Survey of Humor Theory1.2.1 Research on Humor Theory in Western Countries1.2.2 Research on Humor Theory DomesticallyChapter 2 Analysis of the Humorous Effects2.1 Delimitation of the "Humor" in Zhao Benshan's Sketches2.2 Verbal Humor2.3 Linguistics Theories2.3.1 The Incongruity Theory2.3.2 The Semantics Theory2.3.3 The Pragmatics Theory2.3.4 The Theory of Figures of Speech2.3.5 The Logics Theory2.4 Analysis of the Humorous Effects2.4.1 The Humorous Effects Achieved by Deliberate Violation of the Co-Operative Principles2.4.1.1 Violation of the Quantity Principle2.4.1.2 Violation of the Quality Principle2.4.1.3 Violation of the Relevance Principle2.4.1.4 Violation of the Manner Principle2.4.2 The Humorous Effects Achieved by Employing the Figures of Speech2.4.2.1 Pun Homophonic Pun'>1> Homophonic Pun Antalaclasis'>2>Antalaclasis2.4.2.2 Hyperbole2.4.2.3 Impromptu Two-Part Allegorical Saying2.4.2.4 Simile2.4.2.5 Analogy2.4.2.6 Irony2.4.3 The Humorous Effects Achieved by Taking Advantage of the Semantics Theories2.4.3.1 Connotative Meaning and Denotative Meaning2.4.3.2 Collocation2.4.4 The Humorous Effects Achieved by Using the Stylistics Theory2.4.5 The Humorous Effects Achieved by Using the False Logic DeductionChapter 3: Humor Mechanism in Zhao Benshan's Sketches3.1 The Participants of the Humor3.1.1 Humorist3.1.2 Butt3.1.3 Audience3.2 The Mechanism of the Verbal Humor3.2.1 The Incongruity Theory: the incongruous elements are the bases of all the humor mechanism3.2.2 Perception of the Incongruity and Synthesis of the Incongruity With a Playful State of Mind3.2.3 The Appropriateness of the Incongruity, to avoid over-incongruity and under-incongruity3.2.4 Appreciai'on of the Humor and Derivation of Pleasure From it3.2.5 The Humor Mechanism in Zhao Benshan's SketchesChapter 4: Conclusion and Expectancy4.1 Conclusion4.2 ExpectancyBibliographyAppendix1 Yu Qiuyu's Comment on Zhao Benshan's Sketch Performing in ChineseVersion2 Transcribed Lines out of the DVD Audio-Visual Materials in Chinese Version
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标签:幽默论文; 语言幽默论文; 小品论文; 幽默机制论文; 赵本山论文;
A Linguistic Analysis of the Humor in Zhao Benshan’s Sketches