AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter I Introduction1.1 Literature Review of Wuthering Heights and Thesis1.2 An Introduction of EcocriticismChapter II The Purification Value of Wilderness for Protagonists in Wuthering Heights2.1 Discussions on the Idea of Wilderness2.2 The Aesthetic Beauty of Wilderness for Heathcliff and Catherine2.3 The Spiritual Value of Wilderness for protagonists2.3.1 Wilderness Endowed Heathcliff and Catherine with Freedom2.3.2 Wilderaess's Purification, Endurance and Consolation Value for Heathcliff2.3.3 Wilderness's Consolation Value for Catherine2.3.4 Wilderness Consoled Edgar and Endowed him with Courage and StrengthChapter III Heathcliff and Catherine's Loss of Selves as a Result of Alienating from Nature3.1 Heathcliff's Loss of Home and Self for Alienating from Nature3.2 Catherine's Loss of Self for Alienating from NatureChapter IV The Recovery of Self by Returning to Nature4.1 Catherine's Recovery of Self by Returning to Nature4.2 Heathcliff's Recovery of Self by Returning to Nature4.3 Catherine and Heathcliff's Integrating with NatureChapter V ConclusionWorks Cited攻读学位期间的研究成果
标签:呼啸山庄论文; 生态批评论文; 荒野论文; 迷失自我论文; 回归自然论文; 回归自我论文;