谢芙琳把话语标记语定义为黏附在句子上的、用来分割话语单元的话语成分。话语标记语的研究起始于二十世纪七十年代,此后,许多人对话语标记语的研究产生了兴趣。本文以话语标记语WHY 为研究对象。第一章阐述了研究动机和话语标记语的术语以及定义的多样性,回顾了话语标记语的研究理论与成果,分析了英语单词WHY 的各种功能。第二章以谢芙琳的连贯模式为指导,对话语标记语WHY 展开讨论。第三章和第四章分别在关联理论的框架和语用学的范畴内讨论话语标记语WHY。第五章从历时的角度对话语标记语WHY 做了定量分析,以证明该标记语在当代话语交流中的逐渐消退。第六章考察了当代话语交流中常见的其它五个话语标记语,并得出结论:这五个话语标记语已经或正在逐渐取代话语标记语WHY。
AcknowledgementsAbstract (English)Abstract (Chinese)1. Introduction1.1 Motivation for the research of discourse marker why1.2 Definition of discourse marker1.2.1 Terminological diversity1.2.2 Different definitions and descriptions on discourse marker1.3 Literature review1.3.1 Schiffrin’s coherence-theoretic analysis of discourse marke1.3.2 Blakemore’s relevance-theoretic analysis of discourse marke1.4 Coherence-relations based theories vs. Relevance Theory1.5 A brief discussion on the functions of why2.An analysis of discourse marker why within Schiffrin’s model of coherence2.1 Why in local coherence2.1.1 Why in answers2.1.2 Why in non-compliance2.1.3 Why in agreement, compliance and appreciation2.1.4 Why in making inference2.2 Why in non-local coherence2.2.1 Why in focusing hearer’s attention2.2.2 Why in arguments2.2.3 Why in narrative2.3 Why in information management tasks2.3.1 Why as information recognition display2.3.2 Why as information receipt2.3.3 Why and you know3.A relevance-theoretic analysis of why3.1 Why with different prosodic features3.2 Why: an indicator to negotiate context3.2.1 Why as a face-threat mitigator3.2.2 Why as a marker of insufficiency3.2.3 Why as a frame3.2.4 Why as a delay device4.An analysis of why from pragmatic point of view4.1 Why as a deictic expression4.2 Why as a marker of turn-taking in local management system4.3 Why as a back-channel5.A diachronic research on marker why5.1 A quantitative diachronic study on marker why5.2 A comparison of marker why between Shakespeare’s works and BNC Spoken6.Other markers which share common features with marker why6.1 Well6.1.1 A marker of insufficiency6.1.2 A face-threat mitigator6.1.3 A delay device6.1.4 A frame6.1.5 A marker of turn-taking6.1.6 Justification6.1.7 Information receipt6.1.8 Compliance6.1.9 Indignation6.2 Oh6.3 Anyway6.4 What6.5 HeyConclusionReferences论文独创性声明论文使用授权声明
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标签:话语标记语论文; 连贯论文; 关联论文; 信息处理论文; 功能论文; 特征论文;