AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1. Introduction1.1 General description of the study1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Overall structure of the thesisChapter 2. Literature Review2.1 Definition of key terms2.1.1 Text and text analysis2.1.2 Contrastive analysis2.1.3 Theme and rheme2.1.4 Thematic progression2.1.4.1 Definition of thematic progression2.1.4.2 Basic Thematic Progression Patterns2.1.5 Narrative genre2.1.5.1 Concept of genre2.1.5.2 Narrative genre2.2 Theoretical framework2.2.1 Halliday’s systemic-functional grammar2.2.1.1 Halliday’s definition on theme2.2.1.2 Halliday’s classification of theme2. Simple theme2. Multiple theme2. Clausal theme2.2.2 Thematic progression2.2.2.1 Parallel pattern2.2.2.2 Concentration pattern2.2.2.3 Continuity pattern2.2.2.4 Intersection pattern2.3 Review of the previous studies2.3.1 Previous studies on themes2.3.2 Previous studies on thematic progression2.3.2.1 Thematic progression in the texts of different genres2.3.2.2 Contrastive analysis between different languages2.3.3 SummaryChapter 3. Research Design3.1 Research purpose3.2 Data collection3.2.1 Reasons for my choice of the novel3.2.2 General plot of the novel3.3 Research procedures3.4 Samples analysisChapter 4. Results and Discussion4.1 Statistic results and discussion4.2 Underlying factors responsible for the choices of themes and TP patterns4.2.1 Similarities in the choices of themes and TP patterns4.2.1.1 Generic influence on the similarities4.2.1.2 Influence of Hemingway’s writing style on the similarities4.2.1.3 Influence of characterization on the similarities4. Santiago’s iron-will4. Santiago’s loneliness4.2.2 Differences in the choices of themes and TP patterns4.2.2.1 Brief introduction of typological Difference4.2.2.2 Influence of parataxis and hypotaxis on the differences4.2.2.3 Influence of left branching and right branching pattern on the differencesChapter 5. Conclusion5.1 Conclusions5.2 Pedagogical implications5.3 Limitation and suggestions for further researchReferencesAppendix
标签:主位理论论文; 主位推进论文; 老人与海论文;