Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter One Literature Review1.1 An Overview on Empathy1.1.1 Research on Empathy Abroad1.1.2 Research on Empathy at Home1.2 An Overview on Intercultural CommunicationChapter Two Theoretical Framework2.1 The Adaptation Theory2.2 Intercultural Context2.2.1 Context and Dynamic Context2.2.2 Dynamic Intercultural Context2.3 Structural Objects of Adapting to Context2.4 Empathy as a Pragmatic Strategy2.4.1 Pragmatic Empathy2.4.2 Altruism and Pragmatic Empathy2.5 Intercultural Empathy2.5.1 Obstacles in Intercultural Communication: Cultural Difference and Language Competence2.5.2 Empathy in Intercultural CommunicationChapter Three Intercultural Context of the Selected Speeches3.1 On the Selected Speeches3.1.1 A Brief Introduction of the Selected Speeches3.1.2 Reasons for Selecting These Speeches3.2 Intercultural Context of the Selected Speeches3.2.1 Language Users: the Central Part of Communication3.2.2 The Mental World of Communicators3.2.3 The Social World of Communicators3.2.4 The Physical World of CommunicatorsChapter Four Structural Features of the Selected Speeches Related to Empathy4.1 Languages, Codes and Styles4.2 Utterance-building Ingredients4.2.1 Sound Structure4.2.2 Words4.2.3 Clauses and Sentences4.2.4 Suprasentential Units4.3 Utterance and Utterance ClustersConclusionSuggestions on How to Achieve Empathy Effect in Practical Intercultural CommunicationMajor Findings of the StudyLimitations of the StudySuggestions for Further StudyBibliographyAcknowledgementsPublications
标签:移情策略论文; 跨文化交际论文; 顺应论论文;
从顺应论视角解读跨文化交际中的移情策略 ——以美国总统在中国的演讲为例