本文是运用会话分析的理论和方法,对汉语日常电话的启始话步进行的一次较为深入的研究。文章旨在揭示汉语日常电话中启始话步的总体模式,并探讨了潜在的社会和文化因素对这些启始话步的影响。为了得到一个比较有代表性的样本,语料的采集是在中国的九个城市进行的,涉及了来自不同年龄群,不同性别,不同社会阶层,不同社会距离的825人提供的570例自然语料。文章采用了定性和定量分析相结合的方法,以典型例子和统计数据的方式共同展示了汉语日常电话中启始话步的总体模式及特点。分析结果显示,汉语日常电话中的启始话步基本上验证了Schegloff (1968, 1979, 1986)提出的经典模式,但也发现了一些文化差异。本文的主要研究发现及贡献如下:1)汉语日常电话中的启始话步:传唤应答话步、身份识别话步、延展话步、问候话步和寒暄话步。2)与经典模式和与以往其他文化背景中研究发现的差异:在经典模式中Schegloff认为,由于打电话人做出了传唤,接电话人应该首先说话做出应答。本文对这一观点提出质疑,因为在录制的汉语日常电话语料中发现,打电话者有时会在电话中首先说话,笔者在文中提供了有效的佐证。在寒暄话步中文化差异尤为明显,谈及的话题中有些是中国文化中独有的,比如:“吃了吗?”3)本研究中还提供了一些全新的发现:本文是第一个提出在汉语日常电话中有第二次传唤的存在。本文还对接电话者的身份识别也作了详细剖析,填补了现存文献在这一方面的空缺。除此之外,研究中还发现人际关系会影响到电话的启始话步,而且其影响的方式可以用“膨胀理论”加以诠释。此项研究揭示出了汉语日常电话启始话步的总体模式,期望通过提供以汉语为语料的研究来充实现有文献,并进一步激发更多关于这一课题的深入研究。
Acknowledgements中文摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 General Description of the Research1.2 Significance of the Research1.3 Thesis StructureChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 The Ethnography of Speaking2.2 Conversation Analysis2.3 Telephone Conversations2.3.1 The Place of Telephone Conversations in CA2.3.2 The Canonical Model of the Opening Moves in Telephone Conversations2.4 Cross-Cultural Studies on the Opening Moves of Telephone ConversationsChapter 3 Description of the Present Study3.1 The Design of the Study3.2 The Research Questions3.3 Methodology3.3.1 Recording3.3.1.1 Participants3.3.1.2 Instruments3.3.1.3 Procedures3.3.2 Repeated Listening and Transcribing3.3.3 InterviewsChapter 4 Findings4.1 The Summons and Answer Sequence4.1.1 The Initial Sequence in the Opening Moves4.1.2 Terms Used to Answer the Phone4.2 The Identification and Recognition Sequence4.2.1 The Caller Identification and Recognition4.2.1.1 The Caller-initiated Caller Identification4.2.1.2 The Answerer-initiated Caller Identification4.2.2 The Answerer Identification and Recognition4.2.2.1 The Caller-Initiated Answerer Identification4.2.2.2 The Answerer-initiated answerer identification4.2.3 Covert Identification4.3 The Extension Sequence4.3.1 An Instrumental Sequence4.3.2 Other Possible Results of the Extension Sequence4.4 The Greeting Sequence4.4.1 The Greeting Tokens Discovered in the Present Research4.4.1.1 Greeting Tokens with a Sense of Uncertainty4.4.1.2 Greeting Tokens with a Sense of Confirmation4.4.1.3 The Prototype of the Greeting Tokens4.4.2 The Flexibility of the Positions of the Greeting Sequence4.4.2.1 An Independent Sequence4.4.2.2 Overlapping with the Summons and Answer Sequence4.4.2.3 Co-occurrence with the Identification and Recognition Sequence4.5 The Phatic Talk Sequence4.5.1 Inquiries in the Phatic Talk Sequence4.5.1.1 Inquiries about General Well-being4.5.1.2 Inquiries about health4.5.1.3 Inquiries about Current Whereabouts4.5.1.4 Inquiries about Current Actions4.5.1.5 Inquiries about Meals4.5.2 Affirmation of Reconnecting4.5.3 Disturbance Check4.5.4 Prioritized Communicative ActsChapter 5 Discussion5.1 The Summons and Answer sequence5.1.1 A Compulsory Sequence in Telephone Conversation Openings5.1.2 The Party Who Speaks First in Telephone Conversations5.1.3 The Second Summoning in Telephone Conversations5.2 The Identification and Recognition Sequence5.2.1 The Factors that Influence the Identification and Recognition Sequence5.2.2 A Preference for Other Identification5.3 The Nature of the Extension Sequence5.4 The Greeting Sequence5.4.1 The Asymmetrical Distribution of the Greeting Tokens5.4.2 The Effect of Social Distance on the Greeting Sequence5.5 The Phatic Talk Sequence5.5.1 The Effect of Social Distance on the Phatic Talk Sequence5.5.2 Phatic Talk with Peculiar Chinese Cultural Tastes5.6 A General and Conclusive Comparison with the Canonical ModelChapter 6 Conclusions6.1 Summary of the Major Findings6.2 Contributions and Implications of This Research6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further StudiesReferencesAppendix IAppendix II
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标签:会话分析论文; 电话会话论文; 启始话步论文;