
我国80后的成长期恰逢社会转型时期,以及多元文化侵入时代,巨大的社会变革深刻地影响了他们的婚恋观。本文以1980年以后出生的年轻人为研究对象,调查了该类人群的婚恋观---恋爱观,择偶观,婚姻观及性观念。旨在以跨文化交际学的价值观理论为框架,探讨在西方文化主导的信息化的影响下,中国80后青年的价值观的新走向,并根据新走向所显示出的问题,对中国青年价值观教育者提出一些关于如何面对和处理这些新的价值观趋势以及如何改进青年价值观教育方法的建议。本文的研究问题是:(1)在西方文化主导的信息化影响下,中国的80后青年婚恋观出现了什么样的新趋势?(2)信息化在中国80后青年的价值观转变中起了什么样的作用?(3)网络如何影响中国80后婚恋价值观的?作者用Microsoft Excel对所得数据进行分析,得出了以下结论:(1)中国80后青年的婚恋观在信息化的影响下,发生了很大的变化。(2)80后的恋爱动机多元化,但趋于理性化。(3)在择偶方面,物质条件逐渐成了80后考虑的最重要的条件。(4)在没有遇到合适的人的情况下,越来越多的80后宁愿选择单身。(5)在信息化,尤其是网络的影响下,80后的性观念较为开放,且对非婚同居抱以宽容的态度。本研究的现实意义在于以下几个方面:首先,在西方文化主导的信息化蔓延的社会中,本文可以使80后这一群体建立健康的婚恋价值观。其次,本文能够启发更多学者的跨文化视角下的价值观研究。最后,本文可以为中国价值观教育者提供一些建设性的信息和建议,以帮助他们更好的引导中国青年的价值观走向,尤其是婚恋观的走向。
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION1.1 The Definition of Informatization1.2.T he manifestation of informatization1.2.1 Informatization on economy1.2.2 Informatization on politics1.2.3 Informatization on culture1.2.3.1 Cultural corruption1.2.3.2 Cultural imperialism1.2.3.3 Cultural homogenization1.2.3.4 Cultural hybridity1.3 The influence of informatization on Chinese culture1.4.T he research questions1.5 Significance of the study1.6 Preview of the thesis structureCHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Previous research2.1.1 Domestic researches2.1.1.1 Researches on college students2.1.1.2 Researches on the youth2.1.1.3 Researches on women group2.1.2 Researches abroad2.1.2.1 Study of love and marriage values2. Love and marriage values2. Viewpoints of selecting a spouse2. Viewpoints of sex2.1.2.2 Factors that influence love and marriage values2.2 Necessity for further study2.3 Ways to fill the gapCHAPTER III THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS3.1 Hofstede’s value dimensions3.1.1 Individualism –Collectivism3.1.2 Uncertainty Avoidance3.1.3 Power Distance3.1.4 Masculinity and Femininity3.2 Kluckhohn &. Strodtbeck’s value orientationsCHAPTER IV RESEARCH METHODS4.1 Objective of the methods4.2 Procedures of the methods4.3 Data collectionCHAPTER V RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION5.1.T he Results of the Questionnaire5.2 The Analysis of the Result of the Questionnaire5.2.1 Analysis of the results of the viewpoint on love5.2.2 Analysis of the results of the viewpoints on selecting a spouse5.2.3 Analysis of the results of the viewpoints on marriage5.2.4 Analysis of the results of the viewpoints on sex5.3 Discussion of the Results5.3.1 Discussion of the results of the viewpoints on love5.3.2 Discussion of the results of the viewpoints on selecti a spouse5.3.3 Discussion of the results of the viewpoints on marriage5.3.4 Discussion of the results of the viewpoints on sexCHAPTER VI THE PROBLEMS BROUGHT BY CULTURE UNDER INFORMATIZATION6.1 High divorce rate6.2 The emergence of DINK family6.3 CohabitationCHAPTER VII CONCLUSION7.1. Summary of research findings7.2. Theoretical and practical implications7.3. Limitations and suggestions of future study7.3.1 Limitations7.3.2 Suggestions of future studyWORKS CITEDAPPENDIX 1
标签:中国后青年论文; 婚恋观转变论文; 霍夫斯泰德价值观理论论文;
The Influence of Informatization Headed by Western Culture on Chinese Post-80s Generation Values of Love and Marriage