AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要IntroductionBiographical contexts of Jeffrey Eugenides and critical contexts of MiddlesexJeffrey EugenidesMiddlesexDiasporaLiterature reviewObjective of the research and the structure of the thesisChapter One The Concept of Identity and the Significance of Identity Constructionin Middlesex1.1 The concept of identity and identity construction1.2 The quest for identity in Middlesex1.2.1 Calliope/Cal1.2.2 A diasporic family in the melting pot1.2.3 Jimmy Zizmo/Mr. FardChapter Two Identity Construction Through Narrative Discourse2.1 Fragmented stories of displaced people2.1.1 Narrative and identity2.1.2 Narrative time and identity2.2 A compromise of identityChapter Three Identity Construction Through Cultural Hybridity3.1 Religious identity in Middlesex3.2 Gendered identity in Middlesex3.3 Ethnic identity in Middlesex3.4 Political identity in MiddlesexConclusionWorks CitedPublication(s)
标签:流散论文; 身份构建论文; 叙事话语论文; 文化杂糅论文;
流散下的身份构建 ——杰费里·尤金尼德斯小说《中性》研究