Abstract内容摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 Objective of the study1.3 Significance of the study1.4 Organization of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Historical overview of the development of communicative competence2.1.1 Chomsky and linguistic competence2.1.2 Hymes and communicative competence2.1.3 Widdowson and language use2.1.4 Bachman and communicative language ability2.2 Concept of washback2.3 Washback in testing2.3.1 Washback in high-stakes testing2.3.2 Washback in communicative language testing2.4 Theoretical study of washback2.4.1 Mechanism of washback2.4.2 Hughes' washback model2.5 Classification of washback2.5.1 Positive and negative washback2.5.2 Overt and covert washback2.6 Empirical study of washback2.6.1 Washback study abroad2.6.2 Washback study in China2.7 Summary of the literatureChapter Three Methodology3.1 Objectives3.2 Research design3.2.1 Subjects3.2.2 Instruments3.2.3 Data collecting procedures3.2.3.1 Documents3.2.3.2 Questionnaire3.2.3.3 Classroom observation3.2.3.4 Interview3.3 Data analysisChapter Four Results4.1 Documents analysis4.2 Questionnaire analysis4.2.1 Testing and CET-4 perception4.2.2 CET-4 influence on teaching and learning4.2.3 Learning and teaching practice4.2.4 CET-4 format4.3 Classroom observation4.3.1 Classes in October4.3.2 Classes in December4.4 Interview4.4.1 Interview for teachers4.4.2 Interview for studentsChapter Five Discussions and suggestions5.1 Discussions5.1.1 Comparison between the intended and actual washback of CET-45.1.2 CET-SET has a minor impact on college English learning and teaching5.2 Suggestions5.2.1 Authentic items should be added in CET-45.2.2 CET-SET should be popularized in universities5.2.3 The relationship among teaching, learning and testing should be properly treated5.2.4 The establishment of a university-based communicative testChapter Six Conclusion6.1 A brief summary of the study6.2 Limitations of the studyReferencesAppendix Ⅰ CET-4的反拨效应问卷调查(教师卷)Appendix Ⅱ CET-4的反拨效应问卷调查(学生卷)
标签:测试论文; 交际能力论文; 反拨效应论文; 校内交际测试论文;