摘要AbstractList of FigureList of TableChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Significance1.2 Research Purpose1.3 Research Questions1.4 Research Methodology1.5 The General Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 The definition of translation unit2.1.1 Product-oriented definition2.1.2 Process-oriented definition2.2 Approaches to the studies of translation unit2.2.1 Linguistic approaches2.2.2 Functional approaches2.2.3 Process-oriented approaches2.3 Translation unit in translation process2.3.1 Studies of translation process2.3.2 Studies of translation unit in translation process2.3.3 Distinction of analysis unit and synthesis unit2.4 The instrument of empirical research on translation units: Think-aloud Protocols (TAP2.4.1 Theoretical grounding2.4.2 TAPs studies on translation process2.4.3 TAPs: advantages and disadvantages2.5 The Origin and development of translation expertise2.5.1 The origin of translation expertise2.5.2 Approaches to translation expertise2.5.3 Features of translation expertise2.6 SummaryChapter 3 The Empirical Study3.1 Research purpose3.2 Research instruments3.2.1 Think-Aloud Protocols3.2.2 Questionnaires and interviews3.2.3 Translation analysis3.3 Research design3.3.1 Participants3.3.2 Source Text3.3.3 Procedures3.4 Data reduction3.4.1 Data sources3.4.2 Transcribing TAPs3.5 Data coding3.5.1 Coding scheme for translation sub-processes3.5.2 Coding scheme for translation units3.6 Validity control3.7 SummaryChapter 4 Results and discussions4.1 Comparing students and professionals in translation sub-processes4.1.1 Pre-transferring process: planning and comprehending4.1.2 Transferring process4.1.3 Post-transferring process: revising4.2 Comparing student and professional translators in translation units4.2.1 Comparing student and professional translators in analysis units4.2.2 Comparing student and professional translators in synthesis units4.2.3 Summary: Comparing students and professionals4.3 Identifying the translation expertise4.3.1 Translation process: translation vs. transferring4.3.2 Translation unit: high-level vs. low-level4.4 Exploring the affective factorsConclusion1. Findings: revisiting the research questions2. Beyond the research questions: pedagogical implications of the study3. Limitations of the study and suggestions for further researchReferencesAppendix A Consent FormAppendix B Questionnaire on Participants’BackgroundsAppendix C Source textAppendix D Instruction Sheet of the ExperimentAppendix E Post-translating InterviewAppendix F Sample of TAPsAppendix G 基于有声思维法的翻译单位选择的实证研究Acknowledgements
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标签:翻译过程论文; 翻译单位选择论文; 出声思维法论文; 翻译专业技能论文;