Abstract中文摘要List of Figures and TablesList of AbbreviationsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Rationale of the Present Study1.2 Research Orientation1.3 Contents of This ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 The Studies on Vocabulary Knowledge2.1.1 Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge2.1.2 Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Knowledge2.2 An Overview of Collocational Knowledge2.2.1 The Definition of Collocation2.2.2 Lexical Combinations on the Syntagmatic Axis2.2.3 Previous Studies on the Classification of Collocation2.3 The Importance of Collocations in Second Language Acquisition2.4 Empirical Studies on Collocation Acquisition2.4.1 Empirical Studies of collocation with Foreign English Learners2.4.2 Empirical Studies of Collocation with Chinese EFL Learners2.4.3 Summary of Empirical StudiesChapter 3 A Theoretical Framework3.1 Theoretical Foundation- Collocational Knowledge Framework3.2 The Operational Definition of Collocations in This Study3.3 The Collocation Type under InvestigationChapter 4 Research Methodology4.1 Research Questions4.2 Variables in the Present Study4.3 Research Design4.4 Subjects4.5 Instruments4.5.1 Verb-noun Collocation Selection4.5.2 Test Paper Design4.5.2.1 Productive Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge Test Paper4.5.2.2 Receptive Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge Test Paper4.6 Research Procedures4.6.1 A Pilot Study4.6.1.1 Validity and Reliability of the Instruments4.6.1.2 Summary of the Pilot Study4.6.2 Procedures for the Formal Research4.7 Data Collection4.7.1 Scoring of the Productive Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge Test4.7.2 Scoring of the Receptive Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge Test4.7.3 Scoring of Total Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge4.8 Data Analysis and Results4.8.1 Quantitative results4.8.1.1 Development of Mastery of the Three Types of Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge across Language Proficiency Levels4.8.1.2 Development of Mastery of the Three Types of Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge within Language Proficiency Levels4. Development of Receptive Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge4. Development of Productive Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge4.8.1.3 Developmental Difference between Productive and Receptive Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge4.8.2 Qualitative ResultsChapter 5 Discussion, Conclusions and Suggestions for Further Research5.1 Findings and Discussion5.1.1 Development of the Receptive Mastery and Productive Mastery of Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge across Language Proficiency Levels5.1.2 Development of the Receptive Mastery and Productive Mastery of Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge within Language Proficiency Levels5.1.3 Developmental Difference between Receptive Knowledge and Productive Knowledge5.2 Factors Affecting the Development of Verb-noun Collocational Knowledge5.3 Conclusions5.4 Pedagogical Implications5.5 Devising Exercises and Activities for Collocation Acquisition5.6 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further ResearchReferencesAppendicesAcknowledgements
标签:搭配知识论文; 接受性知识论文; 产出性知识论文; 动词和名词的搭配论文;