汪鹏:Tetrameric(Bi4I16)4- Iodobismuthate Templated by 1,ω-Bis(isoquinoline)alkane Cation: Structure,Photoluminescence and Enhanced Thermochromism论文

汪鹏:Tetrameric(Bi4I16)4- Iodobismuthate Templated by 1,ω-Bis(isoquinoline)alkane Cation: Structure,Photoluminescence and Enhanced Thermochromism论文


作者汪鹏,陈之荣,李浩宏(2019)在《Tetrameric(Bi4I16)4- Iodobismuthate Templated by 1,ω-Bis(isoquinoline)alkane Cation: Structure,Photoluminescence and Enhanced Thermochromism》一文中研究指出:Using 1,1?-bis(isoquinoline)-1,4-phenyldimethylenyl(BIQPM2+) cation as template, a new tetrameric(Bi4 I16)4-iodobismuthate-containing hybrid with formula of(BIQPM)2(Bi4 I16)·H2 O(1), has been prepared under solvothermal conditions. The centrosymmetric Bi4-4 I16 tetraanion is constructed from four edge-shared slightly distorted BiI6 octahedrons. Due to the presence of larger conjugated system(isoquinoline ring), strong π···π stacking interactions can be observed. Besides, strong I···I interactions can be monitored and extends the 0-D Bi4 I4-16 cluster to a quasi-1-D chain. The smaller energy gap of 2.13 eV is led by these non-covalent interactions. Its infrared emission might be caused by strong charge transfer between anions and cations. Furthermore, the reversible thermochromic behavior with low chromotropic temperature of 80 ℃ can be observed, whose mechanism was discussed.


Using 1,1?-bis(isoquinoline)-1,4-phenyldimethylenyl(BIQPM2+) cation as template, a new tetrameric(Bi4 I16)4-iodobismuthate-containing hybrid with formula of(BIQPM)2(Bi4 I16)·H2 O(1), has been prepared under solvothermal conditions. The centrosymmetric Bi4-4 I16 tetraanion is constructed from four edge-shared slightly distorted BiI6 octahedrons. Due to the presence of larger conjugated system(isoquinoline ring), strong π···π stacking interactions can be observed. Besides, strong I···I interactions can be monitored and extends the 0-D Bi4 I4-16 cluster to a quasi-1-D chain. The smaller energy gap of 2.13 eV is led by these non-covalent interactions. Its infrared emission might be caused by strong charge transfer between anions and cations. Furthermore, the reversible thermochromic behavior with low chromotropic temperature of 80 ℃ can be observed, whose mechanism was discussed.


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    论文作者分别是来自Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry的汪鹏,陈之荣,李浩宏,发表于刊物Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry2019年09期论文,是一篇关于,Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry2019年09期论文的文章。本文可供学术参考使用,各位学者可以免费参考阅读下载,文章观点不代表本站观点,资料来自Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry2019年09期论文网站,若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请联系我们删除。


    汪鹏:Tetrameric(Bi4I16)4- Iodobismuthate Templated by 1,ω-Bis(isoquinoline)alkane Cation: Structure,Photoluminescence and Enhanced Thermochromism论文
