AcknowledgementsAbstract内容摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background and motivation of the study1.2 The purpose of the study1.3 The structure of the thesisChapter 2 Theoretical background2.1 Main factors affecting testing2.1.1 Validity2.1.1.1 Face validity2.1.1.2 Content validity2.1.1.3 Construct validity2.1.2 Reliability2.1.3 Relationship between reliability and validity2.1.4 Difficulty and discrimination2.1.5 Backwash effect2.2 Approaches to language testing2.2.1 The essay-translation approach2.2.2 The structuralist approach2.2.3 The integrative approach2.2.4 The communicative approachChapter 3 Overview of testing vocabulary and structure3.1 The purpose of testing vocabulary and grammar3.1.1 Why test grammar3.1.2 Why test vocabulary3.2 History of vocabulary and structure testing3.3 Vocabulary and structure testing formats3.3.1 Vocabulary testing formats3.3.1.1 Matching items3.3.1.2 Replacement items3.3.1.3 Completion items3.3.1.4 Word building3.3.1.5 Banked cloze3.3.2 Structure testing formats3.3.2.1 Completion items3.3.2.2 Cloze3.3.2.3 Error recognition items3.3.2.4 Banked cloze3.3.2.5 Conversion items3.4 The theoretical foundation of discrete point test of vocabulary and structure3.4.1 The influence of the structuralist linguistics on discrete point tests3.4.2 The influence of the behaviorist learning theory on discrete point tests3.4.3 Advantages and disadvantages of discrete point tests3.4.4 Controversy about objective testing formats of vocabulary and structureChapter 4 Questionnaire data analysis4.1 A brief introduction to DH Ⅱ test4.2 Questionnaire for students4.2.1 Objective data4.2.2 Students' suggestions4.3 Questionnaire for teachers4.3.1 Objective data4.3.2 Teachers' suggestions4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Item analysis of vocabulary and structure5.1 The evaluation procedure5.2 Sampling5.3 The reliability of vocabulary and structure5.4 The validity of vocabulary and structure5.4.1 Face validity5.4.2 Content validity5.4.3 Construct validity5.5 Difficulty degree and index of discrimination5.6 SummaryChapter 6 Conclusions and suggestions6.1 Conclusions6.2 Limitations6.3 Implications6.4 Suggestions for future researchReference listAppendix A V&S and WB in DH Ⅱ tests of 2005.03 and 2005.10Appendix B Questionnaire for studentsAppendix C Questionnaire for teachers
标签:成就测试论文; 词汇结构论文; 词形填空论文;