
Acknowledgements中文摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Necessity of the Research1.2 Literature Review1.3 Research Methodology1.4 Theoretical Framework1.5 Research Questions and Hypotheses1.6 Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Profile of English Film Titles2.1 Film Genre2.1.1 The Science Fiction or Fantasy Film2.1.2 The Horror Film/Adventurous Film2.1.3 The Lyric Film2.1.4 The Comic Film2.2 Naming Approach of Film Titles2.2.1 Main Character(s)2.2.2 Plot2.2.3 Theme2.2.4 Background/Setting2.2.5 Clue2.3 Features of Film Titles2.3.1 Linguistic Features2.3.2 Cultural Features2.3.2.1 By Idioms2.3.2.2 By Allusions2.3.2.3 By Cultural Images2.3.3 Aesthetic Features2.3.4 Commercial Features2.4 Functions of Film Titles2.4.1 Informative Function2.4.2 Expressive Function2.4.3 Vocative FunctionChapter 3 E-C Film Title Translation Based on Reception Aesthetics3.1 An Introduction to Reception Aesthetics3.1.1 Reception Aesthetics as a Subject3.1.2 Horizon of Expectation and Fusion of Horizons3.2 Influence of Reception Aesthetics on Translation3.2.1 Resulting from Gradual Changes of Horizon of Expectation and Individual Differences3.2.2 Focus Turning to the Receptors3.2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages3.3 Influence of Reception Aesthetics on Film Title Translation3.3.1 Reception Process as an Aesthetic Experience3.3.2 Aesthetic Object3.3.2.1 Beauty in Rhyme and Form3.3.2.2 Beauty in Atmosphere and Emotion3.3.3 Aesthetic Subject3.3.3.1 The Audience that Should be Regarded as the Subject in the Translation Process with the Complete Aesthetic Experience3.3.3.2 The Translator that Should Take Advantage of the Audience's Dynamic Role and Try to Achieve Fusion of Expectation Horizon with the AudienceChapter 4 E-C Film Title Translation Based on Skopostheorie4.1 An Introduction to Skopostheorie4.1.1 The Formation of the Theory4.1.2 The Core of Skopostheorie4.1.3 The Contributions of Skopostheorie4.1.3.1 Preferring Non-linguistic Factors4.1.3.2 Preferring Participants in Translation4.1.3.3 Preferring Cultural Factors4.1.4 The Significance and Limitations of Skopostheorie4.2 Application of Skopostheorie in Film Title Translation4.2.1 Expected Functions of Film Title Translation4.2.2 The Procedure of Film Title Translation4.2.3 Advantages of Application of Skopostheorie in Film Title Translation4.2.3.1 Diversified Translation Methods4.2.3.2 Full Use of a Translator's Subjectivity4.2.3.3 More Commercial Value4.3 Interaction Between the Expected Functions in Film Title Translation4.3.1 Excessive Emphasis on Commercial Value Instead of Its Artistry4.3.2 Only Stress on Artistry Instead of Its Commercial ValueChapter 5 Exploring the E-C Film Title Translation:From Theory to Practice5.1 Techniques and Methods Applied in E-C Film Title Translation5.1.1 Transliteration5.1.2 Literal Translation5.1.2.1 Word-for-Word Translation5.1.2.2 Literal Translation with Slight Adaptation in Language Form5.1.3 Liberal Translation5.1.3.1 Techniques of Liberal Translation5.1.3.2 Combined with Literal Translation5.1.3.3 Combined with Transliteration5.1.4 Re-creative Translation5.2 Realization of Adequacy5.2.1 Appropriateness in Genre5.2.2 Appropriateness in Wording5.2.3 Appropriateness in Culture5.2.3.1 Cultural Compensation5.2.3.2 Cultural Transplantation5.2.3.3 Cultural Mediation5.2.4 Appropriateness in Aesthetics5.2.5 Appropriateness in Commercial Effect5.3 Comparison of the Film Title Translation in the Mainland, Hong Kong andTaiwanChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Summary and Conclusion of the Research6.2 Limitations and Suggestions of the ResearchBibliography作者简历
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标签:英汉影片翻译论文; 接受美学论文; 目的论论文; 策略和技巧论文; 充足性论文; 得体性论文;