Abstract摘要ContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the research1.2 Significance of the research1.3 Purpose of the thesis1.4 Organization of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 The concept of genre2.1.1 The concept of genre in applied linguistics2.1.2 Extensions of genre from a multi-dimensional view2.1.3.The researching front of genre2.2 Genre analysis2.2.1 Overview2.2.2 Development of discourse analysis and the evolution of genre analysis2.2.3 Genre analysis in ESP2.2.4 Summary:the objects that genre analysis is devoted to achieve2.3 Related research on promotional genres2.3.1 Research abroad2.3.2 Research at homeChapter 3 the Theoretical Framework3.1 Swales' CARS model and Bhatia's seven-step model3.1.1 The notion of move and step3.1.2 The frame of CARS model3.1.3.Bhatia's seven-step model3.2 Hasan's contextual configuration and GSP model3.2.1 Contextual Configuration3.2.2 The GSP system3.3 A tentative framework for the present researchChapter 4 Methodologies and Analysis4.1 Methodologies4.1.1 Research procedures4.1.2 Data collection4.2.Analysis and discussions4.2.1 Situating company introduction4.2.2 The contextual configuration of company introduction of a job advertisement4.2.3 The communicative purposes of the company introduction of a jobadvertisement4.3 Move analysis of the subject4.3.1 Move structures of company introduction of a job advertisement4.3.2 Structural interpretation of the moves in company introduction of a jobadvertisement4.4 The generic structure potential of the company introduction of a job advertisement4.4.1 The generic structure potential of the samples4.4.2 Rationalization of the GSP of company introduction of a job advertisement.Chapter 5 Conclusions5.1 Major findings5.2 Theoretical and empirical contributions of the present study5.3 Limitations of this researchAcknowledgementBibliographyAppendix攻硕期间取得的研究成果
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标签:公司简介论文; 体裁结构潜势论文; 语步论文; 体裁论文;
Genre Analysis of Company Introduction in a Job Advertisement