Abstract中文摘要Chapter 1: Scope of Research1.0 Introduction/background1.1 Problem statement1.2 Justification of study1.3 Scope of study1.4 Study objectives1.5 Research question s1.6 Research Methodology1.7 Description of Research area1.8 Thesis Structure:Chapter 2: Literature review and theoretical framework2.0 Introduction:2.1 Housing needs and demand for low -income households2.2 Sustainable development:2.2.1 Dimensions of Sustainable Development2.2.2 What is to be sustained?2.3 Sustainability in Practice2.3.1 Environmental Sustainability2.4 Housing and Environmenta l Issues in Developing Countries2.5 preliminary conclusions on housing affordability2.6 Case studies of housing programmes2.7 Land and its impact on housing developmentChapter 3: Research methodology3.0 Introduction3.1 Methodology3.2 The Research Design3.3 Data Collection3.3.1 Literature/desk study3.3.2 Fieldwork and selection of respondents3.4 Selection of case study3.4.1 Problems encountered3.5 Operational definitions3.5.1 Sustainable affordable housing:3.5.2 Low income households:3.5.3 Reliability and Validity3.5.4 Variables and indicators3.5.5 Variables3.6 Analytical framework3.7 Limitations of the StudyChapter 4: The Sustainable affordable housing context in Ghana4.0 Introduction4.1 Demographic and Economic context of housing in Ghana4.3 Housing demand4.4 Affordability Analysis4.4.1 Housing unit cost breakdown in Ghana4.4.2 Land cost4.4.3 Finance cost4.4.4. Infrastructure provision and cost4.4.5 Materials cost and labor4.4.6 Housing Affordability4.4.7 Final Remarks4.5 Incremental (Progressive) Building Process4.6 Housing conditions and need outstrip strategies to redress them4.7 Physical characteristics of housing4.7.1 Overview of Government's affordable housing programmes since 19504.7.2 Procurement method4.7.3 Design and layout4.8 Overview of sustainable architecture in Ghana4.8.1 Design and layout4.8.2 Land acquisition, site and services4.8.3 Materials and construction4.8.4 Delivery system4.9 Environmental Legislation in Ghana4.10 Overview of sustainable architecture in GhanaChapter 5: Building environmental assessment methods5.0 Introduction5.1 Historical Background5.2 Methods of assessment5.2.1 Eco-labeling5.2.2 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)5.4 Case Studies5.4.1 LEED-Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design5.4.2 BREEAM-Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Methods5.5 Strengths and Weaknesses of LEED and BREEAM5.6 Relevance to the local context in GhanaChapter 6: analysis and synthesis6.1 Background to the Development of an Assessment Indicator Framework6.2 Discussions and Evaluation6.2.1 Socio-cultural sustainability (SCS)6.2.2 Economic sustainability or Affordability (ECS)6.2.3 Technological sustainability (TCS)6.2.4 Environmental sustainability (ENVS)6.3 Strategies for sustainable-affordable housing in Ghana6.3.1 Policy measures for socio-cultural sustainability (PSCS)6.3.2 Policy measures for economic sustainability or affordability (PES)6.3.3 Policy measures for technological sustainability (PTS)6.3.4 Policy measures for environmental sustainability (PEVS)Chapter 7: Conclusions and Recommendations7.0 Introduction7.1 Achievements of this research7.1.2 The conceptual framework7.1.3 The objectives hierarchy model (OHM1) for sustainable-affordable housing7.1.4 Application of the conceptual framework in the evaluation of housing schemes in Ghana7.2 Proposed Guidelines7.3 proposed sustainable guidelines7.4 ConclusionsReferences发表论文和参加科研情况说明Acknowledgements
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